Agenda and minutes

Pensions Committee (old)
Monday, 21st November, 2005 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Vino Sangarapillai  3682

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Milner and from Roger Melling.


The Chair requested that a letter be sent to Cllr Milner requesting his presence at the  future meeting of Pensions Panel as the Panel has been failing to receive input from the Executive Member for Finance because of  his absence



Urgent Business


There were no items of urgent business.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.



Minutes - of 10th October 2005 meeting pdf icon PDF 50 KB




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2005 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.


The Chair mentioned that, in relation to Item 5 of the 10th of October agenda (Reinstating the Rule of 85), he had written to the Leader saying that he is concerned about the solvency of the Fund and requesting that he impress upon Central Government, whenever there is engagement with them, the need to increase the Revenue Support Grant to take account of the extra costs in view of reinstating the  85 year rule.


Review of Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:




Before asking the officers to present the report the Chair expressed concern as to how to comply with the legal comments in the report as to how, “act in the best interest of the beneficiaries as a whole” in the absence of any representatives at the Panel meeting from admitted bodies. It was said by the officers that the admitted bodies were present at the Annual General meeting of the Pensions Panel. The adviser to the Trustees advised to take legal opinion on the issue. The Chair drew the attention of officers to the subject.


A representative from Hymans Robertson (Mr Vince McEntegart independent of the scheme actuary) presented the company’s report to the Panel.


Mr McEntegart said that the last time the company had been contracted to provide a review of investment strategy they had produced a 50-page report. This time they had produced a shorter document with supporting information provided. The Chair stated that the supporting documents, as mentioned  in various sections of the reports were not released to members, and as such Panel Members were not aware if any fundamental information had been omitted. The Director of Finance assured the Panel that the key information were incorporated into the tabled reports, however the chair asked the officers that in future he would like to see reports from Hymans Robertson in full. In addition to the report, the representative of Hymans Robertson  tabled a range of graphs, highlighting various points.


The first chart showed the forecast benefit outgoings for current members of the Pension Scheme. This was currently £20m per annum and would rise to a peak of £60m in 2030. After 2030, liabilities to current members of the scheme would start to reduce. However, of course, by that stage new members would have joined the scheme and so the total outflow of benefits would be higher as benefits would have to be paid to new members who had reached retirement age by then.


Combined forecasts for income and outflow were provided to 2023. The income for the scheme would come from 3 sources: standard employer contributions, employer deficit contributions and employee contributions. In April 2005, the actuary set the current rate for employer deficit contributions. Currently the net flow (the difference between the income and outgoing) into the Pension Scheme was positive but, in 2015, it was forecast to become negative if current contribution rates remained the same.


The Panel enquired as to what were the best safeguards the Panel could take so that admitted bodies would not default, because many of them have no tax raising powers of their own.


The Director of Finance advised the Panel that some admitted bodies had bonds to cover the risks.  The Panel asked the D.O.F to let the Panel know in due course what safeguard the Panel could have in the case of admitted bodies, which had no bonds or tax-raising powers. The Chair pointed out that we must have proper safeguards to take account  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


New items of urgent business




There were no new items of urgent business.


Exclusion of press and public






That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for item 10 below as the item contained 'exempt' information as defined in Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, namely that they contain terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the Authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the supply of goods or services.



Minutes - exempt minutes of 10th October 2005 pdf icon PDF 62 KB






That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2005 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.



New items of urgent exempt business