Agenda and minutes

Thursday, 19th July, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Xanthe Barker X2957 


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.

Additional documents:


 There were no apologies for absence received.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:


(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and

(ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.


A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.


Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest put forward.



To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet agreed to consider two deputations in relation to Item 4, the expansion of Belmont Infant and Junior school’s from two to three form entry. The first deputation was from Julie Mukherjee representing parents, governors and staff from Belmont Junior School and the second would be from Tom Anderson representing the parents, governors and staff at Belmont Infant School. 


The Chair invited Julie Mukherjee to address the Cabinet and put forward   representations in relation to the proposed expansion of the Junior school.



 Ms Mukherjee addressed the committee in her capacity as a parent of children at both Belmont Infant and Junior schools but was speaking on behalf of other parents, governors and teaching staff to oppose the proposal to expand the Junior school.  The arguments put forward against the expansion were:


  • That there was not enough space in the school to support the expansion – reference was made to the small playground and the already limited space in the school dinning area.


  •  The funding envelope for the expansion of both schools was considered to be less than spent on other schools in the past and not enough to complete a suitable expansion.


  • The attendance of children from the Vale Special  School had not been adequately considered in the plans for expansion as any changes to the buildings would need to accommodate the mobility and safety of children and they could not  envisage how this would be achieved in an already limited space.


  • The council calculation of future places needed at the school was disputed as there was already a shortfall of places at the Junior school in years 4 and 5. Therefore it was contended that a future shortfall of places would lead to a future shortfall in funding. This would have a detrimental impact on the schools income and lead to staffing reductions. The deputation was keen to protect the established good teacher leadership in the school.


  • It was felt that the petitions consisting of a combination of 700 signatures opposing the expansion had not been given appropriate consideration.


The parents were keen to protect the ethos of “good local schools for all” and asked that Cabinet vote against the proposals for expansion of both Belmont Junior and Infant schools.



As part of the deputation procedure, Cabinet Members put forward questions to the deputation party and gained the following understanding of their position. 

·        The increased funding envelope of £3.5m was still felt not to adequately cover the expansion of two schools.

  • They did not agree with the figures arrived at in the school place planning strategy.
  • The higher overheads associated with a bigger school would lead to a reduced income if places were not filled at the school.
  •  They questioned the council’s application to the argument that more school places were needed in Tottenham and gave an example of where they perceived this need not to be applied.  The Leader questioned the accuracy of this assertion and clarified that there had not been a 4000 home development project  ...  view the full minutes text for item 224.


Proposals to expand Belmont Infant School and Belmont Junior school from two to three forms of entry to take effect from September 2013 at Belmont Infant School and September 2016 at Belmont Junior School pdf icon PDF 63 KB

(Report of the Director of Children’s Services to be introduced  by the Cabinet Member for Children): The Cabinet will be asked to approve proposals to expand Belmont Infant and Belmont Junior schools.  A previous report was withdrawn from the agenda at the Cabinet meeting held on the 10th July. This was withdrawn to  allow for further consideration to be given, to issues raised by local stakeholders following the publication of that report before a decision was taken. Report to follow


Additional documents:


Prior to considering this report the Leader  referred to the Local Government Act 1972 Section 100b  which advised that  Cabinet  can consider late reports under special urgency.  The report was late to allow necessary information to be included responding to the issues raised in respect of the earlier report to Cabinet on 10 July which was withdrawn. The Leader advised that a special Cabinet meeting was promptly organised on the following day, 11 July, to consider this report   and the date notified to both deputation parties.  The report was published on 13th July, following the completion of responses to the representations made regarding the earlier report.


The proposals being considered were the expansion of Belmont Infant School and Belmont Junior school from two to three form entry, to take effect from September 2013 at Belmont Infant School and September 2016 at Belmont Junior school.


 The Cabinet Member for Children introduced the report and explained that the council had a statutory duty to provide local places for children at schools; the council had a duty to serve the community and ensure school places were available.   The Cabinet Member for Children had considered the options and believed that expansion of Belmont Infant and Junior school was the best option and planning permission would be sought in January 2013 for the expansion to allow an additional reception class to be available by September 2013.  Although parents of both schools had set out their objections to the expansion,   consideration was given to the positive impact of the expansion as well as the mitigating actions that could be taken to counter against any access issues of Vale Special School students to Belmont whilst the changes took place. With expansion there will follow more money, a larger SLT and an opportunity for greater specialisms and diversity in the management of and delivery of the curriculum and to address the very special and individual needs of The Vale pupils, as well as of all the pupils generally.  The indicative designs allowed for greater access between sites and should the expansion be agreed, the Vale pupils would be a key consideration when the final plans are drawn up.


An application from Harris to open a Free School in Tottenham has progressed to the next stage. Two reception classes are planned and a site has not yet been identified.  Even with the potential opening of this school there was still a need to provide places in West Green/Tottenham area.   Therefore these factors were considered together with the objections of parents and it was felt that there was a need to meet the needs of all families living in the area and build and expand the school.



Following Cabinet Member questions, the following clarifications were made: 

·        That the £3.5m would enable expansion,

·        There was a waiting list for the infant school but not the junior school the proposed expansion would not lead the school to lose money.

·        Following application on the admissions criteria there would be more places available  ...  view the full minutes text for item 225.


Annual School Place Planning 2012 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

(Report of the Director of Children’s Services to be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Children) To provide an overview of demand for pupil places in Haringey’s Primary Secondary Special Schools and post sixteen settings and an update on the actions being made to ensure adequate places and robust  planning are in place to meet demand for mainstream and special school and post sixteen places across the borough. This report  was withdrawn from the agenda at the Cabinet meeting held on the 10th July as it related to the earlier report which was withdrawn in relation to Belmont Infant and Belmont Junior Schools and to reconsider issues raised by local stakeholders following publication of the earlier report. Report to follow







In accordance with Part Four Section B Paragraph 17 of the Constitution only the item set out in this notice may be considered at the special meeting, and no other business shall be considered.


Additional documents:


Prior to considering this report the Leader  referred to the Local Government Act 1972 Section 100b  which advised that Cabinet  can consider late reports under special urgency. As the previous expansion report and School Place Planning Report were linked it had also been necessary to withdraw the School Place Planning report from the Cabinet meeting on 10th July.  The report was late as it was necessary to ensure the representations received by the Council had been responded to before a report was put forward for decision.


The  report  provided  an assessment  of  demand for pupil places in Haringey’s Primary, Secondary, Special schools and Post 16 settings and  provided an update on actions being take to ensure adequate places and robust planning were  in place to meet demand for mainstream and special school and post 16 places across the borough.


 The Cabinet were asked to note that there were four bulge reception classes required for September 2012 as all classes were full.   Increase demand coupled with rising birth rates meant that providing additional places at primary schools through to secondary schools was imperative.  The introduction of free schools and new Academies may have complicated the process of planning schools places but they do not diminish the findings that an increased number of school places was needed.


The Cabinet Member for Children responded to questions from Cabinet Members and it was noted that:


  • If Belmont Infant and Junior schools were to become Academies then the Council would need to consider alternative expansion schemes and in the meantime the bulge classes would continue.


  • Tottenham area  place provision  - the decisions relating to expansion of  Lancastrian school was on hold  to take account of the E-Acts provision, Welbourne  Primary school was due to expand  as there was a need to provide places in the middle of Tottenham.


  • The forecasts for place planning altered as the applications are made during the year; the availability of the census data for 2011 will further inform base data in early 2013. 


Further to considering the information contained in the report the Cabinet




  1. That the working priorities set out in paragraphs 18.1 below, including the provision of a further two bulge classes (yet to be determined) to meet projected demand for September 2012 be agreed.


  1. That a further round of consultation on the possible expansion of Lancastrian Primary school, to take effect from September 2014 (put back from September 2013 to take account of E-Act’s provision) be agreed.


  1. That a further Annual Report be brought before Cabinet in July 2013.