Agenda and minutes

Special, Pre-2011 Planning Committee
Tuesday, 2nd December, 2008 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Anne Thomas  2941


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Weber for whom Cllr Williams was substituting.


Urgent Business

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  This being a special meeting of the Committee, under Part Four, Section B, Paragraph 17 of the Council’s Constitution, no other business shall be considered at the meeting.


Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest and if this interest affects their financial position or the financial position of a person or body as described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct and/or if it relates to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to them or any person or body described in paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


None received.


185A Park Road N8 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Change of use and Refurbishment of derelict storage building into Day Nursery Use Class (D1)

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed the Committee that the application site was located within the sports fields of the club formerly known as North Middlesex Cricket Club.  The site was bounded by 171-191 Park Road, there was existing vehicular access from Park Road.  The building that was part of the planning application was currently used for storage.


The planning officer further stated that the day nursery was once housed in the main pavilion/changing room building on the north side of the cricket ground.  An application in 2007, sought permission to house the nursery in a new building on the side of the storage building.  This was refused on the grounds that a new building was an inappropriate development in the Metropolitan Open Land (MOL).  It was also noted that on the temporary closure of the day nursery, there was concern about the non-availability of this facility which was a benefit to local parents, carers and young children.


The Committee was advised by the officer that the proposal was a conversion and not a new build, and would have no greater impact on the MOL than if the building continued to be used as a storage building.  The existing building was capable of a conversion without major or complete reconstruction and would not have a materially greater impact, or conflict with the openness of the MOL.  To overcome concerns about disturbance to nearby residents, an acoustic panel would be erected, directly behind the panel would be some planting to avoid any visual impact to neighbours and there would also be conditions to regulate hours of use.  Car parking provision was at the front entrance of the site off Park Road.


A representative from the Cricket Club addressed the Committee to object to the application on the grounds that the application was submitted on behalf of the Cricket Club which it was not.  The proposed building was not considered to be derelict as it was currently used to hold equipment and it was not possible to house the machinery elsewhere on the site.  There was no access for this machinery to get near other buildings on the site which were derelict.  It was believed that if the proposed building was turned into a nursery then another application would need to be submitted to house the machinery as the cricket club would fail as there would be no means to maintain the grounds.


Two local residents informed the Committee that there was no evidence within the application to support the need for a nursery as there were three other nurseries in the area.  An application for this building was previously refused and Inspectors had also agreed with the Committee’s decision to refuse the application.  The pavilion was not suitable to be used as a nursery, there was no evidence that a nursery was required in the area and no specific circumstances to warrant the proposal.


The Committee viewed the plans.


Members enquired about particular uses for MOL and whether the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 310.


Alexandra Park School, Bidwell Gardens N11 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Erection of a two storey building to provide new sixth form study and common room space, and training space.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Committee was informed that Alexandra Park School was located on the south side of Bidwell Gardens N11.  The main access to the school was via Albert Road and Rhodes Avenue.  The school consisted of a mix of two, three and four storey buildings plus green space, games courts and car parking areas. 


The officer advised that there would be no increase in the capacity of the school created as a result of the proposed works which were aimed at improving the facilities for existing students.  Therefore, the principle of the proposal was considered acceptable.  The proposed new block would be a two-storey structure with a small second floor plant room, the height of the proposed building would be generally lower than the established heights of other buildings on the site.  It was further considered that the new development related positively to the existing school buildings and had minimal impact on the visual amenity of nearby open spaces. The school redevelopment was located within the existing school boundaries and therefore would not impinge on the Metropolitan Open Land.


The Committee was also informed by the planning officer that existing traffic generated from the site and existing car parking allocation would not be altered as a result of the proposed scheme.  No alterations were proposed to the existing school access points or circulation areas.  It was also considered that the new development would not result in any detrimental impact on the amenity of residents by reason of overlooking, loss of privacy or sunlight.


The Chair informed the meeting there were no objectors to this application and requested the Committee to view the plans.


The Committee enquired whether the location of the proposed new building would be screened by trees and in response was informed that tress would be  planted after the building was built. 


The Chair moved a motion to agree the recommendation to grant permission subject to conditions.




That the application be granted subject to conditions.





Location: Alexandra Park School, Bidwell Gardens N11


Proposal: Erection of a two storey building to provide new sixth form study and common room space, and training space.


Recommendation: Grant subject to onditions


Decision: Grant subject to onditions


Drawing No’s: S5235G0100, 0101, 0201, 0301, 0401, 1100, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103; S5235H1000, 1101, 1102 & 1103.




1.       The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.       The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 311.


375, 377, 379 High Road N17 pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Erection of 3 x 2 storey extension on first, second and loft floors to create 3 x one bed and 6 x two bed flats.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The planning officer explained to the Committee that the application site was situated at 375-377 High Road in Tottenham Green Conservation Area.  The current use of the building was a single storey retail shop.  The surrounding properties were in general three storey buildings consisting of ground floor retail shops and self contained flats above.


The Committee were further informed that the proposed front and rear elevation of the two storey extension would blend into the existing height, bulk and mass of the neighbouring building.  The proposed roof lights would not be detrimental to the street scene.  The proposal had now been amended to provide 2 x one bed and 6 x 2 bed flats on the first, second floor and in the loft space.  The proposed development would not have any impact on adjoining neighbours.  The site was also located in a highly accessible area and was therefore considered suitable for car-free housing.  A condition to ensure that 9 cycle racks were provided was also proposed.


The Chair informed the meeting there were no objectors to this application and therefore representations could not be heard from the applicants.  The  Committee was requested to view the plans.


Members requested an additional condition subject to requiring submission of details to the planning authority details of the shop fronts.


The Chair moved a motion to grant planning permission subject to conditions and the extra condition.




That the application be granted subject to conditions and the extra condition subject to the submission of details to the planning authority details of the shop fronts.





Location: 375, 377, 379 High Road N17


Proposal: Erection of 3 x 2 storey extension on first, second and loft floors to create 3 x one bed and 6 x  two bed flats.


Recommendation: Grant subject to conditions and Legal Agreement


Decision: Grant subject to conditions and Legal Agreement


Drawing No’s: PP/101, PP102, PP/103, PP/104, PP/105, PP/201, PP/202, PP/203, PP/204, PP/205

PP/206 & PP/207.




1.       The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.

Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.       The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3.       Notwithstanding the description of the materials in the application, no development shall be commenced until precise details of the materials to be used in connection with the development hereby permitted have been submitted to, approved in writing by and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to retain control over  ...  view the full minutes text for item 312.


Former Middlesex University, White Hart Lane N17 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Approval of reserved matters (siting, design, external appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission HGY/2005/1439 for 70 bed care home.   

RECOMMENDATION: Approve reserved matters and vary schedule 3 of the Section 106 Legal Agreement attached to the outline permission.




Additional documents:


The Committee was advised that the application site comprised the part of the former Middlesex University site fronting Pretoria Road at the junction of Pretoria Road and College Road at the eastern end of the old Middlesex University campus.


The planning officer explained that planning permission was granted in 2006 for the redevelopment of the Middlesex University site for a new sixth form centre, 123 new residential units and a 70 bed care home.  The scheme included the care home as part of the overall redevelopment of the site, with the care home element being submitted in outline only.  A considerable level of detail was submitted with the application in order to give as much information regarding the complete scheme as possible at that time.  The grant of that permission established the provision of the care home as being acceptable to this location based on relevant planning policy.


Haringey Council, Social Services had no objection to the proposed care home and considered that this used provided for local need and were keen to encourage the provision of an aged-care home in this area provided the quality of accommodation was of a high standard.  The proposed facility was intended to provide care for a broad range of elderly people, including the frail and those who suffer from dementia, respite and intermediary care could also be provided.


The Committee also noted that the vehicle access to the site was from the existing access in College Road.  The proposal included 16 car parking spaces including two disabled car spaces.  It was considered that the site had adequate transport availability as it was very close to White Hart Lane Network Rail Station and local bus routes.  A turning point was to be provided immediately adjacent to the entrance for refuse and delivery vehicles to turn within the site.  A new ramped pedestrian access was proposed into the site direct from Pretoria Road. 


The Officer further explained that in terms of landscaping, the line of mature lime trees fronting Pretoria Road and the screen of trees along College Road were to be retained.  A new residents garden would be created to the rear of the building facing west, additionally, balconies were provided on each floor adjacent to the lift lobbies and bay windows.  The applicant had submitted a sustainable energy strategy. 


There were variations proposed to the Section 106 legal agreement:


  1. Delete reference to the roof conservatory and replace with a ground floor rear conservatory on the basis that the location in the roof was not considered to be a suitable location for such a facility.
  2. Vary the nomination agreement, alter the agreement from a right to purchase 50% of the bed spaces to serve a notice on the owner requiring consideration to be given to obtaining a place or places in the development at the time of requirement.


The Committee was asked to note the outline permission was subject to 23 additional conditions which would have to be discharged separately.


The Chair informed the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 313.


Hornsey School for Girls, Inderwick Road N8 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Erection of 2 x single storey buildings at the school’s frontage to provide a new administration block and learning resource centre, and create a new main entrance.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions


Additional documents:


The planning officer presented the report and advised that Hornsey School for Girls was built on former residential land in 1971.  The site was bounded by Inderwick Road and the rear of residential properties on Rathcoole Gardens and Weston Park.  It was considered that the proposed development would greatly improve the facilities for existing students.  The new administration blocks would be able to provide more suitable dedicated facilities, and would be available for community use during the evenings which would create a more effective use of existing community sites.  The position of the buildings near to the pavement was a departure from the existing school layout but it resulted in a more obvious street presence for the school.  The proposed buildings were for relatively quiet activities such as administration and quiet study, the central courtyard was likely to be used more frequently, but this enclosure would service to attenuate much of the resultant noise.


The officer further stated that the proposed buildings ere of modern design using traditional materials reflecting the locality.  It was considered that all windows in the administration block and lower level windows were to be obscured glazing, the only clear glazed windows were those which were above head height, this would therefore result in limited overlooking.  The proposal involved the removal of 15 trees on Inderwick Road frontage, 13 of which are mature.  Twenty replacement specimens were proposed on Inderwick Road and Spencer Road frontages, including new street trees.  The scheme incorporated CHP, natural ventilation, efficient use of water, sustainable urban drainage, measures to reduce solar gain and a green roof.


The Committee were further informed that the school had a total of 74 off-street car parking spaces, which would be retained and covered cycle parking facilities capable of accommodating 50 bicycles.  The school had an active travel plan which would help to promote and increase the number of students travelling by sustainable modes of transport.  The Committee was asked to grant permission subject to conditions.


A local resident from Inderwick Road addressed the Committee on behalf of several local residents who all supported the improvement of schools in Haringey.  Hornsey school for Girls was opened in 1971 to benefit the community.  Local residents questioned why the location for this particular application was being proposed with the loss of many trees.   The proposal also claimed to be a single storey building.  Residents had worked with the BSF team, the school and had made changes to the application, however the Committee was asked to consider pushing back the wall, the provision of green roofs and a green frontage to the building.


Another local resident addressed the Committee who stated that local residents had engaged with the design process and their input had improved the original application, however it was still proposed that the building be located adjacent to the pavement.  It was considered that the current proposal would not have this school at the heart of the community.  There were 43 posters hung up in Inderwick Road  ...  view the full minutes text for item 314.


Date of Next Meeting

Monday 8 December 2008



Please note that under the Council’s Constitution, Part 4, Section B, Paragraph 17 no other business shall be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Monday 8 December 2008.