Agenda and minutes

Pre-2011 Planning Committee
Monday, 23rd January, 2006 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE. View directions

Contact: Julie Harris  2957

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Adamou.


Urgent Business pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business.  Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at item 12 below.


New items of exempt business will be dealt with at item 11 below. Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear.  New items will be dealt with at item 12.


Additional documents:


Members were advised that the reason for the urgency for the report to PASC re Saltram Close Housing Estate to go tonight’s meeting was to try to achieve the draw down of grant by Servite from the Housing Corporation. There is no roll-over.   The three parts of this major Estate Regeneration Scheme are linked by the single planning scheme and these changes need to be tied up before the other elements can be progressed.


It was a virtual necessity that the disposal of part of the Housing Estate land, which would require a further report to the Executive, is on a finalised and clear-cut planning basis.  The Housing Service needed to ensure that the project wa delivered by the end of March 2006.


The reason for lateness wash that negotiations for the sale of the Council’s land had not been concluded; agreement had been reached in principle at Officer level only on 17 January 2006. The different aspects of the scheme and the different procedures inter-related but have caused delay to each other.   The Chair of PASC agreed to take this as a late/urgent item.



Declarations of Interest

A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


     A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.



Councillor Newton advised those present that he was the Ward Councillor for 14-16 Creighton Avenue, however; he had made no public declaration of any opinion on this application so therefore this was not a personal or prejudicial interest; he simply wished to clarify the point.  He also wished to correct an error in the report which said he had objected to the application, he stated that this was not the case.


Councillor Santry declared an interest in respect of item 8.8 (Coles Park Playing Fields, White Hart Lane) in that she had previously made a public representation on this item.  She decided to leave the room when this application was discussed and decided on.


Councillor Hare was asked by other members if he should declare an interest in that he had previously represented Friends of the New River Action Group but he felt it was not a conflict of interest as he had not made any previous public representations on any of the items before PASC this evening. 



Deputations/Petitions pdf icon PDF 11 KB

To consider receiving deputations and/or petitions in accordance with Standing Order 37



The Governors at Crowland Primary School, submitted a formal Deputation to PASC of 23 January in support of the planning application for a temporary all weather pitch in Markfield Park.  They  asked to make a  presentation  setting  out the importance School of the facilities that this proposal will allow  to the young children at Crowland School



Minutes pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To confirm the minutes of Planning Applications Sub Committee 13 December 2005





That the minutes of the PASC of 13 December be confirmed


Performance Statistics pdf icon PDF 44 KB

For Building Control, Development Control and Planning Enforcement

Additional documents:


Members received the Planning Enforcement statistics as a tabled item.  All statistics and reports were noted


                     The Assistant Director, Planning, Environmental Policy and Performance  Enforcement made a particular reference to 93% achievement of target for major applications, 81% of minor applications and 91% of other applications


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Made between 28 November and 31 December 2005




Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 56 KB

In accordance with Sub Committee's protocol for hearing representations; when the recommendation is to grant planning permission, two objectors may be given up to 6 minutes (divided between them) to make representations.  Where the recommendation is to refuse planning permission, normally no speakers will be heard.  For items considered previously by the sub committee and deferred, where the recommendation is to grant permission, one objector may be given up to 3 minutes to make representations.  Where the recommendation is to refuse permission, normally no speakers will be heard.


       8.1       14-16 Creighton Avenue N10                                                                 

            Demolition of existing pair of houses and erection of 6 x 3 storey four bedroom houses with parking.  RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission subject to conditions and Section 106 Agreement.


8.2              Land at Winns Mews N15                                                                       

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 x 2 storey 3-bedroom house and 1 x 2 storey block comprising 4 x 3 bed mews style houses.  Provision of refuse and bicycle storage.  RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission subject to conditions and Section 106 Agreement.


8.3              Land at Winns Mews N15                                                                       

Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of existing building and erection of 1 x 2 storey 3 bedroom house and 1 x 2 storey block comprising 4 x 3 bed mews style houses.  Provision of refuse and bicycle storage.  RECOMMENDATION: Grant Conservation Area Consent subject to conditions.


8.4              Gladesmore School and Markfield Recreation Ground N15         

Erection of 8 x single storey temporary classroom buildings on Gladesmore Community School outdoor sports pitch to replace fire-damaged Crowland School for a period of 3 years.  Relocation of Gladesmore Community School all weather sports pitch in Markfield Recreation Ground with out of hours community use.  RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission subject to conditions.


8.5       79 Creighton Avenue N10 1NR                                                 

Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to include erection of a three storey nursing home with associated parking and landscaping.  RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission subject to conditions.


       8.6       35A Wood Vale N10          

                   Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a two storey 4 bedroom dwelling with rooms at lower ground floor level.   RECOMMENDATION: Grant Permission subject to conditions.


8.7       154 West Green Road N15 5AE                                                 

Residential development of site to include erection of 1 x 2 storey block comprising 6 x 2 bed houses and 2 x one bed flats (renewal of  PP reference HGY/2000/1437,  granted 14.12.2000).  GRANT PERMISSION subject to conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement.                   


       8.8       Coles Park Playing Fields, White Hart Lane N17 7JP          

            Continuation of use of car park as a market selling new and second hand goods on Saturdays and Sundays only between 0700 and 1300 hours.   RECOMMENDATION: Grant Temporary Permission subject to conditions


8.9             57 Mount Pleasant Road, N17                                                   

1) Change of use from residential to children’s home caring for a maximum of six children and supervising staff including the provision of a staff room/office.  2) Retention of basement to form storage space.  3) Retrospective Planning application for the erection of single storey out building in rear garden (Certificate of Lawfulness).  4) Retention of Rear Dormer  ...  view the full agenda text for item 98.

Additional documents:




That the decisions of the Sub Committee on the planning applications and related matters, as set out in the schedule attached to these minutes, be approved or refused, with the following points noted:


1.      Gladesmore School and Markfield Recreation Ground


Members agreed to receive a tabled letter from Sport England which set out two extra conditions which they asked to be added to this application.  Officers advised that any objections from Sport England would trigger a referral to the Government Office for London.  The original submission for the sports pitch had been amended and was now in accordance with the UDP. The size of the proposed sports pitch had been reduced to be the same as the existing pitch to be replaced, the size of the fencing had been reduced, the floodlighting removed and the consent was to be for a temporary period of 3 years.  Members were asked to consider the urgency of this request, whether they considered it suitable use of Green Belt land; appropriate to the landscape and environment and whether any further delay to consider alternatives could impact on the timescale and the ODPM bid.  A members’ site visit to Markfield Recreation Ground had taken place that morning.


The objectors spoke and advised members that they considered this to be an inappropriate use of Green Belt land and were concerned about the impact of the use of tarmac on the drainage.  Friends of the Parks Forum and the Local Wildlife Trust also made representations.  Both groups felt that the emergency relocation of the school was a priority but that alternative sports facilities should be found.  They were concerned that portacabins created a gap between the ground which could attract horseplay and compromise safety.  They were also concerned about noise and loss of amenity to residents if the facilities were used out of school hours.  They were also concerned about the protection of 2 species of birds nesting in the park but officers advised that this was not a planning consideration.


The Ward Councillor spoke and stated that, although he sympathised with objectors concerns and agreed this was a very difficult decision to put before PASC members; the ongoing disruption to the children’s’ education was paramount. 


The Chair of the Governors spoke and advised members of the stress which pupils, parents and teachers had been subjected to since the fire and relocation.  Transporting pupils on buses lost an hour of teaching time every day and this seriously impacted on the ability to deliver the National Curriculum.  The current PCT building was unsuitable, lacked an adequate playground facility and further transport was required to take the children to PE facilities.    Many pupils have had to move and, as schools are funded on pupil numbers, this puts the sustainability of the school at risk.  The Friends of Crowland Parents Association agreed with the Chair of Governors.  Both groups paid tribute to the loyalty of the staff at Crowland but stressed that the temporary relocation, nearly a year ago,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98.


Schedule of Decisions and Reasons





Location: Coles Park Playing Fields White Hart Lane N17


Proposal: Use of car park as a market selling new and second hand goods on Saturdays and Sundays only between 0700 and 1300 hours.


Recommendation  Grant subject to conditions.


Decision: Grant subject to condditions.


Drawing Nos.  Site Plan




1.             That this permission shall be for a limited period expiring on 23 January 2008 when the use hereby approved  shall be discontinued and determined and the land reinstated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to  enable the :Local Planning Authority to review and assess the use following experience after a period of operation.


2.             The use hereby permitted shall only be operated on Saturdays and Sundays only  and shall not be operated  before 0700 or after 1300 hours.

                Reason: This permission  is given to facilitate the beneficial use of the premises  whilst ensuring that the ameniities of adjacent residential properties are not diminished.


3.             That a detailed scheme for the provision of refuse, waste storage and recycling shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the use. Such a scheme as approved  shall be implemented and temporarily retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to protect the amenities of the locality.


4.             Vehicles may arrive, depart, be loaded or unloaded wiithin the general area of the application site only between 0700 hours and 1400 hours  on Saturdays and Sundays.

                Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the conditions of general safety alonng the neighbouring highway.


5.             Provision shall be made for parking of 40 and 170  vehicles, respectively for Saturdays and Sundays, visiting the site. The use hereby permitted shall not be brought into effect until such provision has been made.

                Reason: In order to enable vehicles using the site to stand clear of the highway in the interests of road safety.


6.             That the applicant erects and lines up traffic cones, stretching 150m east and west of the site access junction and on both sides of this stretch of White Hart Lane. The applicant must remove the cones at close of business on each  Saturday and Sunday the use is operated.

                Reason: In order to ensure  that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway.


7.             That Parking Supervisors must be appointed to enforce the parking restrictions around  the site access.

                Reason: In order to ensure  that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway.



8.             That not more than 80 stalls shall operate on the site.

                Reason: In order to limit the total number of stalls in the  interest of amenity impact in the locality.




REASONS FOR APPROVAL  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99.


Tree Preservation Orders pdf icon PDF 14 KB

Details of confirmation of Tree Preservation Orders against  trees located at:


1)                  Chester House, Pages Lane N10

2)                  17 Christchurch Road N8

3)                  The Bull, 13 North Hill N6





That details of confirmation of Tree Preservation Orders against  trees located at:


1)                  Chester House, Pages Lane N10

2)                  17 Christchurch Road N8

3)                  The Bull, 13 North Hill N6



This item was deferred to the next meeting on 27 February 2006


New Items of Urgent Business

As item 2


Site Visits


Date of Next Meeting

27 February 2006 – 7pm


27 February 2006, 7pm


The application in respect of 35A Wood Value N10 and the Tree Preservations Orders to be deferred to this meeting.