Agenda and minutes

Alexandra Palace and Park Board
Tuesday, 11th April, 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Way, Wood Green, London N22

Contact: Clifford Hart  2920

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Hare and Robertson, and Mr Tarpey and Ms Paley.




A member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.


A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgement of the public interest.






The Chair will consider the admission of any late item of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items with be dealt with at items 10 & 14)



The Clerk – Mr Hart, advised that whilst there were no items of urgent business a briefing in relation to Item 9 had been TABLED and the Parks Manager would give a verbal update to accompany this.





MINUTES: pdf icon PDF 54 KB

(1)               To approve the minutes of the programmed meeting of the Board held on (a) 7 February 2006 ATTACHED, and the special meetings held on (b) 30 January 2006 ATTACHED, and (c) 27 March 2006 TO FOLLOW

(2)               To approve the minutes of the Consultative Committee held 4 April 2006; TO FOLLOW

(3)               To receive the minutes of the Advisory Committee held 3 April 2006 and to consider any recommendations contained therein - TO FOLLOW



Additional documents:


(1) Meetings of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board held on (a) 07.021.06, Special meeting held on (b) 30.01.06, and (c); (2) to approve the minutes of the Consultative Committee held on 04.04.06 and  (3) to receive the minutes of the Advisory Committee held on 03.04.06.


                                   (1)(a)   Alexandra Palace and Park Board – 07.02.06




That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 7 February 2006 be approved and signed by the Chair.


(1)(b) Special Alexandra Palace and Park Board – 30.01.06




That the Minutes of the special meeting of the Board held on 30 January 2006 be approved and signed by the Chair.



(2)       Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee – 04.04.06


The Clerk advised that the Minutes were drafted but not available for consideration.




(3)       Alexandra Palace and Park Advisory Committee – 03.04.06


The Clerk advised that the Minutes were drafted but not available for consideration.  However the Board had been circulated with the deliberations and recommendations to the Board arising from that meeting , and the deliberations of the Advisory Committee were now before the Board for its consideration.


The Chair advised that the Board would consider the deliberations at this point in the proceedings.


Mr Liebeck, in his capacity as Chair of the Advisory Committee, advised the Board of the deliberations of the Advisory Committee of 3 April 2006 in response to the replies of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board on 30 January 2006 (relating to the 7 points of advice and recommendations arising from the meeting of the Advisory Committee on 24 January 2006) as follows:


That the Alexandra Palace and Park Board be requested to consider the following resolutions of the Advisory Committee of 3 April 2006 as detailed below.


With regard to the CUFOS lease, that the developer  be required to commit to maintain a community use for the premises on favourable terms with CUFOS or another similar party at the end of their lease term (2011) to ensure that the premises continue to be used as a community facility at an affordable rent.


In response the Trust Solicitor – Mr Harris responded that his advice to the Board was that it was for the current occupier – CUFOS to negotiate a lease with the new landlord in 2011 after the expiry of the existing lease.  The legal advisers to CUFOS had recommended to them, and CUFOS had therefore not negotiated a lengthy lease, and it would then be for them to negotiate a new lease in 2011 should they wish to continue to occupy the premises.


In response to further points of clarification Mr Harris advised that the Board, if it so wished, could indicate a preferred approach by the developer to continued community use but should not be imposing a requirement such as that recommended by the Advisory Committee. It would also be inappropriate of the Board of Trustees to add this as a requirement at this late stage in the process of negotiation.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.



To consider any questions received in accordance with Standing Order 30.






To receive any deputations and petitions in accordance with Standing Order 37


N.B.  The Board has received a request for a deputation from the Alexandra Palace Television Group. 


Enclosed for each Member of the Board is a copy of a DVD forwarded from the Alexandra Palace Television Group.


The Chair has indicated that should Members wish the DVD will also be shown prior to the commencement of the deputation.



The Chair advised that a deputation request had been received from the Alexandra Palace Television Group, and asked whether the Board was in agreement to hearing the deputation.  The Chair also referred to the DVD circulated to all Board Members which told the story ‘TV coming to Alexandra Palace’ which, if the Board were so minded, would be shown to the Board prior to hearing the deputation.  


The Board agreed to view the DVD and then hear the deputation.


The Board then viewed the contents of the DVD (approx 17 mins) and the received the deputation from Dr J. Lewis, on behalf of the Alexandra Palace Television Group.  During the deputation Dr Lewis reminded the Board of the historic importance of the Palace, and the unique place it occupied in terms of television broadcasting around the world. Dr Lewis commented on the retained iconic mast, the original tv studios A & B and their history and the first broadcast by the BBC in 1936.  Dr Lewis also advised of the transmitter modifications during the second World War which were successful in jamming the navigation systems of German Bombers sent to attack UK targets, and also in the 1950’s the Palace assisted in the development of colour television.  Dr Lewis briefly concluded by referring to the Palace’s location in terms of the post war industrial and electronic technological revolution in the Lee Valley. 


The Chair thanked Dr Lewis for his deputation and asked if there were any questions from Members.  Members sought and received clarification from Dr Lewis as to the importance of the Studios A, and the view of the BBC as to the importance of the Palace given its historical importance.











            (iii)       FRIENDS OF ALEXANDRA PALACE PARK


            Please note that each organisation has furnished details of their organisation’s constitution, and AGM or inaugural meeting. In accordance with the requirements of the constitution of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (attached) the requests are therefore put to the Board for consideration. 

            Copies of each organisation’s written requests for representation and copies of each organisation’s Constitution/AGM or inaugural meeting are also attached for information.




                                    ALEXANDRA PALACE ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION

                                    FRIENDS OF ALEXANDRA PALACE PARK


                        The Clerk to the Board – Mr Hart, advised the Board that each organisation has furnished details of their organisation’s constitution, and AGM or inaugural meeting. In accordance with the requirements of the constitution of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (circulated) the requests were therefore put to the Board for consideration. Mr Hart informed the Board that having considered each Group’s submissions each met the criteria for membership of the Consultative Committee.  Mr Hart also advised that copies of each organisation’s written requests for representation and copies of each organisation’s Constitution/AGM or inaugural meeting had been circulated to Board Members for information.


In response to questions from Councillor Haley in respect of Councillor Hare’s membership on both the Allotments Association, and the Television Group the Trust Solicitor – Mr Harris advised that it was for the individual to determine whether they had a personal conflict and to take the necessary steps to avoid such conflict.


Councillor Haley further asked why neither of the other two groups had not had the decency to attend the Board meeting to address the proceedings in respect of their applications.  In response Mr Harris advised that there was no requirement for each organisation to address the Committee in respect of their application and that that the appointment to the Consultative Committee was academic. The Television Group had addressed the Board not in their capacity as applicants to the Consultative Committee but as a group with an interest in the future of TV studios at the Palace.


The Chair then summarised and it was:




That approval be given to applications received from the following organisations for appointment to the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee:


                                    ALEXANDRA PALACE TELEVISION GROUP

                                    ALEXANDRA PALACE ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION

                                    FRIENDS OF ALEXANDRA PALACE PARK




To advise the Board of the 11 months results to end of February 2006. (Report of the General Manager)


Additional documents:


Mr Harrington, the Finance Manager, advised the Board of the 11 month result to the end of February 2006 and the forecast to the end of the year. Members were asked to note that the result for period 11 when compared with the budget for the same period showed a saving of £318K before development costs (set out in Appendix 1 of the report); representing an overall saving against budget of 14.4% for the comparable period.




That the contents of the report be noted and agreed. 




To update on progress made towards the remaining programme of works under the project.  (Report of the Development Manager)



The Parks Development Manager - Mr Baker TABLED an update report of progress, a copy of which will be interleaved with the minutes.  Mr Baker   introduced this item which updated the Board on progress on the HLF refurbishment of the park and specifically highlighted the Landscape Contract, Buildings Contract, and Civils Contracts as detailed. 


Mr Baker then responded to detailed concerns and questions from Members in relation to tree clearing and thinning,and the prevalent misconceptions of local residents that work was being directed by the preferred bidder, Firoka.  In giving assurances that all works carried out as part of the agreed HLF contract, Mr Baker agreed to update the report in order for it to be circulated to members of the Advisory Committee, and Consultative Committee for their information.  Mr Baker further responded to other particular comments in respect of the cleaning and maintenance of the playground toilets, and the general upkeep.   


The Chair then summarised and it was:




i.                    That the report be agreed and noted; and

ii.                  That the Parks Development Manager update the report in light of perceived public misconceptions and arrange for it to be circulated to members of the Advisory Committee, and Consultative Committee for their information.




To consider any new items of business admitted under item 2 above.






The following items are likely to be subject of a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as they contain exempt information as defined in section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 namely; Para 3 – Information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).




                        That the Public and press be excluded from the proceedings as the following items contain  exempt information as defined in section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 namely; Para 3 – Information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information).




To approve the exempt minutes of the programmed meeting of the Board held on (a) 7 February 2006 ATTACHED, and the special meetings held on (b) 30 January 2006 ATTACHED, and (c) 27 March 2006 TO FOLLOW


UPDATE - FUTURE OF THE ASSET: (Verbal report of the General Manager)


NEW ITEMS OF EXEMPT URGENT BUSINESS: To consider any new items of exempt business admitted under Item 2 above.