Venue: GRACIE FIELDS ROOM, Alexandra Park and Palace Way, London, Greater London, N22 7AY
Contact: Ayshe Simsek - Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager
No. | Item |
FILMING AT MEETINGS Please note that this meeting may be filmed or recorded by the Council for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site or by anyone attending the meeting using any communication method. Although we ask members of the public recording, filming or reporting on the meeting not to include the public seating areas, members of the public attending the meeting should be aware that we cannot guarantee that they will not be filmed or recorded by others attending the meeting. Members of the public participating in the meeting (e.g. making deputations, asking questions, making oral protests) should be aware that they are likely to be filmed, recorded or reported on. By entering the meeting room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings.
The chair of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming or recording, if in his or her opinion continuation of the filming, recording or reporting would disrupt or prejudice the proceedings, infringe the rights of any individual or may lead to the breach of a legal obligation by the Council. Minutes: The Chair referred to the notice of the filming at meetings and this information be noted.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence had been received by Councillors Anne Stennett, Nick da Costa and Jason Beazley (Three Avenues Residents Association (TARA)). |
URGENT BUSINESS The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of urgent business. (Late items will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items will be dealt with at items15 & 23 below) Minutes: There was no urgent business.
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered:
(i) must disclose the interest at the start of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent, and (ii) may not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting room.
A member who discloses at a meeting a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not registered in the Register of Members’ Interests or the subject of a pending notification must notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the disclosure.
Disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are defined at Paragraphs 5-7 and Appendix A of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were none but the Chair reminded trustees to complete the Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests forms as outlined in the email.
QUESTIONS, DEPUTATIONS OR PETITIONS To consider any questions, deputations or petitions received In accordance with Part 4, Section B29 of the Council's Constitution. Minutes: There were none.
NEW ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: There were none.
To approve 15th July minutes as correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED
That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 be agreed and signed as a correct record.
Feedback from the Advisory & Consultative Committee To note the minutes of the Advisory & Consultative Committee meetings held on 7th October 2024.
(The SAC minutes are to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Advisory & Consultative Committee meeting held on 7th October 2024 be noted.
To note the CEO’s general update report. Minutes: RECEIVED the report of the CEO, Emma Dagnes, who explained the report was the same as presented to the Advisory and Consultative Committees in October, who had raised no objections to the proposed bollards. The CEO was thanked by a trustee for the excellent presentation on the Theatre during the SAC and CC meetings.
RESOLVED: That the CEO’s general update be noted.
FRRAC Chair's Report Minutes: The FRRAC report recommended approval of the Trustees’ Annual Report & Financial Statements and signing of the Letters of Representation (APTL’s Letter had been signed and submitted). The report also recommended approval of the amended Safeguarding Policy.
That the feedback from FRRAC be noted.
Minutes: The Finance Director presented the report and stated that the Trust's financial position was improving, primarily due to the stronger financial performance of APTL in 2023/24. However, there was still significant work to be done to ensure the accuracy of the figures. While challenges were anticipated, these would be addressed in future meetings. Overall, the Finance Director considered the Trust was in an improved financial position although there were still challenges ahead. In considering the report, the Board were asked to note a minor error in section 2.5 on page 28 of the report, where the £72,000 should have been allocated to the West Hall budget.
It was queried that the year-on-year phasing of the cash balances appeared somewhat different from the past two or three years, particularly between May and June, where there was a noticeable decline. There was a question as to whether this was due to phasing. It was explained that this was primarily due to how the trust received payments. The trust typically received the grant payment from Haringey Council upfront, which was then reviewed towards the end of the year. This was further supplemented by the gift aid, which provided the trust with an additional cash influx toward the year's end. Overall, the pattern showed an increase followed by a decrease in debt. It was expected that a similar trend would emerge when reviewing next year's financial position.
To note the forecasted full year position of the Trust.
Safeguarding Policy Review To approve the updated Safeguarding Policy and the amended Trustee Code of Conduct. Additional documents:
Minutes: The policy had been reviewed by the Principal Lawyer in the Social Care team who added an additional comment to the Statutory Officer’s Legal Comments: which was that: ‘clarification as to the maintenance of the risk register had been received’.
The amended legal comments therefore were: The Council’s Assistant Director of Legal & Governance had been consulted. Clarification as to the maintenance of the risk register had been received. Further in noting that the Trust had taken legal and professional advice on the policy review, had no comments.
The Board welcomed the report, recognising its importance. Everyone was congratulated for producing it promptly, as the obligation for organizations to provide such a report to the Board was crucial. Safeguarding was stated as a priority for everyone involved, including staff.
RESOLVED: To approve the revised Safeguarding Policy and proposed amendment to the Members’ Code of Conduct.
2023/24 Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements To approve the 2023/24 Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements for submission to the Charity Commission. Additional documents: Minutes: Additional legal comments had been received after agenda publication and were as follows: The Council’s Assistant Director of Legal & Governance had been consulted and in noting the Auditor’s intention to issue and unqualified opinion, the increase in commercial activities and the exceptional performance of APTL, and had no comments.
It was queried whether there was a timeline for the annual report to be submitted to the council. It was stated that the budget would be approved in Q4, with a draft expected to be presented at the Board meeting in March. The budget would be reviewed at the December FRAC meeting, but the final figures would be brought forward in March.
RESOLVED: 1. That the Annual Report and Financial Statements; and the Letter of Representation for signing by the Chair be approved. 2. That the Haysmacintyre End of Year Audit report (Exempt Agenda Item 18); be noted. 3. That in the case of any further minor amendments, the final approval and signing off of the Annual Review be delegated to the Chief Executive and Chair of the Trustee and APTL Boards.
Minutes: The Decision Tracker was noted. |
NEW ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: The CEO and Board expressed their gratitude to Natalie Layton for the immense support she had provided to the organisation following over 9 years of work . Natalie was leaving the organisation to take up a new role and the Board expressed that Natalie would be greatly missed.
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS Items 17 - 23 are likely to be subject of a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as they contain exempt information as defined in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972; Para 1 – information relating to any individual, Para 2 – Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, Para 3 - information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information), and Para 5 – Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.
Minutes: Items 17-23 were subject to a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting as they contained exempt information as define in Section 100a of the Local Government Act 1972; Para 1 – information relating to any individual, Para 2 – information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, Para 3 – information relating to the business or financial affairs of any particular reason (including the authority holding that information) and Para 5 – Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.
EXEMPT MINUTES To approve 15 July 2024 exempt minutes as correct records. Minutes: RESOLVED
That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on the 15 July 2024 be agreed and signed as a correct record.
EXEMPT AUDIT FINDINGS REPORT Minutes: The Board considered the exempt information.
That the exempt recommendations be approved.
EXEMPT RISK REGISTER To consider and approve the risk register. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the exempt risk register be approved.
Exempt Risk Deep Dive: Site Security To receive a presentation by the Head of Security.
Minutes: The Board considered the exempt information.
Exempt APTL Chair's report To note the trading subsidiary update. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the update be noted
ANY OTHER EXEMPT BUSINESS THE CHAIR CONSIDERS TO BE URGENT Minutes: There was no other exempt business the chair considered urgent.