Issue - meetings

Purchase of Agreed Syllabus from Waltham Forest

Meeting: 22/03/2007 - Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education (Item 14)

Purchase of Agreed Syllabus from Waltham Forest

To receive a progress report.


Denise Chaplin advised the Committee that negiotiations for the Agreed Syllabus purchase had now been completed.  Several working parties had been held for Hinduism and Christianity.  A further date of 25 April 2007 had also been agreed to work on the key stage 2 Hinduism syllabus.  There would now be a need to hold two or three further Agreed Syllabus Conferences to agree the recent changes to individual sections of the syllabus.


The corporate design team had been provided with a brief to produce a folder for the Haringey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.  Two designs had been produced which the committee was requested to consider.  The first design a leaflet was considered not to be reflective of Haringey as it portrayed a rural environment.  The second had moved Haringey to the coast showing a coastline image, again not reflective of the character of Haringey. The Committee agreed that they be rejected.  Ms Chaplin stated that she had requested the design team to produce further designs in the following week which were to be classy, tranquil, inclusive and not offensive to any faith community but reflective of Haringey.


A map of Haringey showing the places of worship was tabled for members to agree to include in the folder.  However, the Committee concluded the map was too congested and suggested that a new map be produced separated in to the following areas; Crouch End, Highgate, Hornsey, Muswell Hill, Tottenham and Wood Green.  The map should also demonstrate the diversity of the religions practised in the borough and should therefore use symbols of the faiths.


The Committee were reminded that the launch of the Haringey agreed syllabus for RE was Tuesday 25 September 2007, in the afternoon.  Mr John Keast, Deputy Chair of the RE Council of England and Wales would be the key note speaker and that Sharon Shoesmith would also be in attendance.




  1. That the tabled designs on the folder for the Haringey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education be rejected.
  2. That further designs be produced of the folder and leaflet for the Haringey Agreed Syllabus for RE and that they be reflective of Haringey.
  3. That a new map showing the places of worship be produced showing the areas and using faith symbols.