Issue - meetings

Strategic Asset Management & Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) Action Plan Update for Year 1 priorities

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 151)

151 Strategic Asset Management & Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) Action Plan Update for Year 1 priorities pdf icon PDF 589 KB

Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Placemaking & Local Economy.


Further to the approval of the SAMPIP at Cabinet on the 18th April 2023 an annual update on the action plan progress is required.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Placemaking & Local Economy introduced the report which provided an annual update on the progress to date for the 10 objectives of the Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan 2023-28 (SAMPIP 2023-28). The roadmap for Year 2 Priorities and the associated action plans for each objective was set out in Appendix 2). The Cabinet Member highlighted key developments as follows:

-       A high-level structure in the department was established.

-       Detailed information on each asset that Haringey holds has been outlined.

-       A year two priorities plan has been put together and agreement is required that the department brings back to Cabinet Year 2 progress in April 2025.


In response to questions from Cllr Emery, the following information was noted.


-       In relation to the level of knowledge Haringey had about its assets, it was clarified that the Council knew of the properties they owned, however needed to know detailed information as to the types of leases, state of the property and more. The detailed knowledge of each asset was the aim behind the management strategy.

-       Leases for the voluntary sector were also in the process of being regularised using consultation of current and future lessees. A strategy would be developed on this using feedback from the VSC network event held a few weeks ago. There will also be further meetings with the wider sector.

-       Property Services was expecting to bring forward proposals regarding River Park House, Alexandra House, as part of the financials on the Civic Centre. Some services were moving from Station Road to Cumberland Road which held space for local business and workspaces.






  1. To note and comment on this annual update of the Council’s previously approved Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) 2023 – 2028 with specific reference on the progress made in Year 1 of the Action Plan. – this can be seen in detail in Appendix 2 of this report.


  1. That the Cabinet further Year 2 progress on SAMPIP will be brought back to Cabinet for annual review in April 2025.


Reasons for Decision


Like many local authorities the Council has faced serious challenges in relation to the management of its property assets. This is largely due to limited resources and reduced budgets which impacted on the Council’s capacity to manage effectively and efficiently the Council’s property portfolios.


The independent external property review, instigated by the Council in 2019/20, recommended 46 areas for improvement, which the Council has been addressing. The progress for the three core areas for improvement, are outlined below:


  • People and Resources
  • Governance
  • Best Practise – Policies and Processes