Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Estate Parking Management Scheme

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Amendments to the Estate Parking Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 916 KB

Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters, and Planning.


To deliver an improved and co-produced in-house parking enforcement and permit service to circa 150 estates across the borough.

Additional documents:


(Cllr Arkell left the room for this item)


The Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning introduced the report which sought approval to amendments to the Estate Parking Management Scheme (EPMS), as approved at Cabinet on 8 December 2020 following the insourcing of the former Homes for Haringey into Haringey Council. This report also sought approval for funding of the scheme as set out in section 11 of the attached report.


(Cllr Gordon entered the meeting at 6.39pm)


The following information was outlined by the Cabinet Member:


-       The proposed scheme would make estate parking fairer by guaranteeing every household have access to one parking permit, providing dedicated disabled parking bays to those who need them, ensuring the swift removal of abandoned cars, and preventing trespassing. 


-       The new scheme would be introduced using traffic management orders and enforced by our Parking Services’ civil enforcement officers.


-       An insourced service would monitor estate parking more frequently and more effectively.


-       A limit of one permit per household was proposed to reduce parking pressure on estates and discourage excessive car use in line with Council climate and air quality commitments.


-       To allow social care staff, NHS health professionals, charity, or not-for-profit employees to provide care to residents, the existing Care at Home parking permit would allow parking both on streets and on estates. The parking process would be more straightforward by bringing estate parking in line with parking across the borough, meaning there would no longer be a need for two separate permits. 


-       Permits would be available for less than 14 pence a day. The permit charge was in place solely to cover to cost of the scheme.


-       There was a commitment to review the parking schemes annually.


In response to questions from Cllr Hakata and Cllr da Costa, the following information was provided.


-       With regards to meeting residents needs for bike parking and making provision for future increased need, this would be picked up in the engagement process. There would need to be consideration that each housing estate would have differing needs, and this will be explored more fully in the planned engagement.


-       Furthermore, in line with the delegation provided to the Cabinet Member to manage consultation and engagement with estate residents, she would ensure that provision of cycling parking was considered as part of the consultation.


-       If there were circumstances where residents wanted an extra permit, they could purchase CPZ permits to park. This would be through the same Council system used for CPZ permits and visitor permits.


-       Haringey housing fleet vehicles would not need a permit to park on the estates, but private contractors would need a visitor permit.





  1. To note that, before a final decision to implement the proposals may be taken, any representations submitted to the Council following consultation under s105 Housing Act 1985 must be considered; and delegates authority to the Director of Placemaking and Housing, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Services,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63