Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Update

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 120)

120 Corporate Performance Update - NON KEY pdf icon PDF 611 KB

Report of the Director for Culture, Strategy and Engagement . To be introduced by the Leader of the Council.


6-monthly update on performance against the council’s Corporate Delivery Plan.

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The Leader of the Council provided an update on corporate performance, which built upon the Cabinet's previous review of the Corporate Delivery Plan from January 2023 that implemented manifesto objectives. The performance update highlighted key challenges, progress to date, and future direction to put into effect the vision for a fairer, greener Haringey.

Despite a challenging economic environment, the report highlighted some genuine progress across all 8 themes of the Corporate Delivery Plan. Work was underway to develop the next corporate delivery plan, and this would come to Cabinet in June 2024.

The Leader was pleased to announce the Council's award as the Borough of Culture for 2027, and thanked officers for their significant work on this successful bid.

The following information was provided in response to questions from Cllr Cawley- Harrison.

  • Recycling rates across North London had dropped and this was also attributed partly to issues with the NLWA waste disposal contract, which was being addressed. Other factors, across London such as changes in resident’s working patterns and packaging trends, had also contributed to the drop in rates. The Council were being judged on weight of recycling not quantity also impacting the figures.


  • Efforts were underway to compile recycling Action Plan, which would be informed by last year's engagement exercise, which had garnered 27,000 responses from across the borough to understand how to improve recycling. Significant changes had been made in terms of food waste collection, especially around estates, to enhance recycling options. These initiatives were also being pursued by the North London Waste Authority. Additionally, work was underway to facilitate recycling of small electrical waste items, including batteries, through curb side collections and designated locations such as libraries, which have seen increased usage since their launch. These endeavours were anticipated to have a positive impact on recycling rates in the future.


  • New government codes concerning complaint handling were expected to come into effect on April 1st, 2024. These regulations were anticipated to provide an entirely restructured the approach to handling complaints, and all local authorities nationwide would need to follow the same structure. There had been an offer to share improvement plans for complaints with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and these could also be shared with Cllr Cawley – Harrison.


  • Clarification was provided for the drop in performance relating to inclusive ways for residents to participate in and influence decisions that matter to them, noting that there were two RAG ratings in the document, one for activities and another for outcomes. Specifically, regarding the relaunch of the Citizens Panel, it was intentionally delayed in order to prioritise other elements of the Haringey Deal and participation agenda. Additionally, it aimed to establish firm foundations and assess the suitability of the citizens panel approach. The launch of the new Harringay engagement hub was prioritised as a one-stop-shop for consultation and engagement activities. The decrease in the rating for this aspect was due to missing the timeline set for the Citizens Panel relaunch by the end of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 120