Issue - meetings

Approve extension (and variation where it applies) of the Bounds Green, Bruce Grove, Harringay, Noel Park, Northumberland Park, Seven Sisters, St Anns, Tottenham Green, Tottenham Hale, West Green and Woodside Wards Alcohol Control PSPO's

Meeting: 06/10/2023 - Cabinet Member Signing (Item 7)

7 Approve extension (and variation where it applies) of the Bounds Green, Bruce Grove, Harringay, Noel Park, Northumberland Park, Seven Sisters, St Anns, Tottenham Green, Tottenham Hale, West Green and Woodside Wards Alcohol Control PSPO's pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Additional documents:


The Council’s existing 11 Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) for the control of alcohol in specified roads in Haringey expired on 18 October 2023.  


On 11 September 2023, the Lead Member for Community Safety and Cohesion ratified the approval made by the Director of Environment and Resident Experience on 8 August 2023 decision to consult on the extension and variation of the existing PSPOs and the purpose of the report was to present the outcome of the consultation and to seek approval for the extension of the PSPO to 30 April 2025. 


The Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion RESOLVED to


1.    Extend the existing alcohol control PSPO’s in  

I.             Bounds Green Ward (Appendix C), 

II.            II. Harringay Ward (Appendix D),

III.          III. Noel Park Ward (Appendix E),

IV.          IV. Tottenham Hale Ward (Appendix F),

V.           V. Woodside Ward (Appendix G) 

VI.          VI. West Green Ward (Appendix H).


2.    Extend and slightly vary Bruce Grove PSPO so that it encompasses the roads within the formally named Bruce Grove Ward and the existing Tottenham Central Ward as outlined in the attached schedule (Bruce Grove Public Space Protection Order) Appendix I.  

3.    Extend and slightly vary Northumberland Park Ward PSPO so that it encompasses the roads within Bruce Castle Ward as outlined in the attached schedule (Northumberland Park Public Space Protection Order) Appendix J. 

4.    Extend and slightly vary the Seven Sisters Ward PSPO so that it encompasses the roads within Seven Sisters Ward, South Tottenham Ward and Hermitage Gardens Ward as outlined in the attached schedule (Northumberland Park Public Space Protection Order) Appendix K.

5.    Extend and slightly vary the St Ann’s PSPO so that it encompasses the roads within Seven Sisters Ward, South Tottenham Ward and Hermitage Gardens Ward as outlined in the attached schedule (Northumberland Park Public Space Protection Order) Appendix L. 

6.    Extend and slightly vary the Tottenham Green Ward PSPO so that it encompasses the roads within Seven Sisters Ward, South Tottenham Ward and Hermitage Gardens Ward as outlined in the attached schedule (Northumberland Park Public Space Protection Order) Appendix M.


Reasons for decision


Despite some reduction in incidents of alcohol related ASB (anti -Social Behaviour) still occurs. There were seasonal increases in reports of activity within the identified areas, which showed there was an ongoing need for the PSPO to remain in place. Local residents, businesses and other stakeholders continued to express concerns about alcohol related ASB. The reports received from residents’ businesses, included that groups of mem and women drank alcohol, broke glass bottles, threw litter and waste on the ground, including urinating in the area. The enforcement service regularly received reports about alcohol related ASB. It was not unusual for the reports to include other (noise, spitting) ASB activities. As a result, the reports were often logged under other (noise, drugs, litter) ASB categories which could make pulling accurate Alcohol consumption ASDB data challenging. There was a need for extending and varying the PSPOs to help ensure that the law-abiding majority could safely  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7