39 Haringey Housing Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 411 KB
Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Local Economy and the Assistant Director for Housing.
This report seeks agreement of Haringey's Housing Strategy 2023-2028, following public consultation.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Local Economy and the Assistant Director for Housing introduced the report which sought agreement of Haringey's Housing Strategy 2023-2028, following public consultation.
In response to questions from Councillor Cawley - Harrison, the following was noted:
- The Local Plan had a policy on affordable housing for all new schemes, this sought out a split of 70% social rented housing and 30% intermediate housing. Officers would seek intermediate housing as part of any negotiations.
- The Council were not the only party building affordable homes in the borough. There were several significant registered social landlord’s schemes and private developers bringing forward affordable housing.
- The evidence from the housing needs work showed that some forms of intermediate housing were not affordable in Haringey’s context. Officers were looking more at providing intermediate rent options, this would be more accessible for the target groups.
- The Council have had their first meeting with the Homelessness Reduction Board. This had a high turn-out from partners and was a positive step forward.
- Following the Annual Rough Sleeper count, there was a total number of 49 rough sleepers. The Council needed to have to have a joined-up approach to address the issue and help get residents into stable homes. Housing First was one of the pathways which would enable this, the Council had just been successful in a bid for finance behind this scheme.
- The Council were building accessible homes to lifetime home standards.
Reasons for decision
A robust strategy is widely recognised as essential to the delivery of local
authorities' housing functions. Haringey’s current Housing Strategy ran from
2017-2022. A new Housing Strategy is required.
In March 2022, Cabinet agreed a draft Housing Strategy as the basis for a formal consultation on the Council’s approach to housing in Haringey over the next five years. Officers duly consulted on that draft Housing Strategy for
twelve weeks between September and December 2022. As set out in paras
6.7 to 6.9, and in Appendix 2, the consultation showed strong support for most
of the proposals in the draft Strategy. Officers have analysed the comments
received during that consultation and as a result have made a number of
changes ... view the full minutes text for item 39