Issue - meetings

School Streets - Adaptive Wood Green (Noel Park Primary)

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 School Streets - Adaptive Wood Green (Noel Park Primary) pdf icon PDF 406 KB

Report of the Director of Environment and Resident Experience.  To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport, and Deputy Leader of the Council.


Following informal and statutory consultation on  proposed School Streets, consider all feedback and objections, decide whether to make the associated traffic orders and implement the projects.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment, and Transport and Deputy Leader of the Council introduced the report which sought agreement to determine whether Noel Park Primary School Street should be implemented.

It was noted that the Noel Park Primary School Street was part of the Adaptive Wood Green programme, an effort to improve air quality, promote active travel, enhance ecology and biodiversity, and upgrade public spaces. The Noel Park project included multiple enhancements to the public realm and traffic safety measures such as rain gardens, widened footways at crossings, reduced crossing distances, cycle stands at the school entrance, accessibility improvements, and renewed paving, aiming to create a much more comfortable and liveable place to live, learn, work and play.


1.    To consider all feedback, including objections to the proposed traffic management order, given during the 2023 consultation, as set out in Appendix A of this report.

2.    To agree that the Council shall exercise its discretion to not cause a public inquiry to be called.(see paragraph 10.5)

3.    To approve the introduction of a new School Street (SS33) adjacent to Noel Park Primary School as shown in Appendix B of this report.

4.    To authorise the Head of Highways and Parking to make all necessary traffic management orders (TMOs) and install any necessary highway infrastructure and works necessary to give effect to the School Street design set out in Appendix B of this report.

Reasons for decision

The overall reason for proceeding with the proposed School Street is in summary as follows: School Streets are a key priority for the Council, as set out within the School Street Plan[1], the Walking and Cycling Action Plan[2] and the Corporate Delivery Plan 2022-2024[3]. See further sections 7, 8 and 9 below.

The reason for recommendation 1 is to ensure compliance with the Regulations[4] whereby the order making authority must consider all unwithdrawn objections before making an order.

The reasons for recommendation 3 are set out at paragraphs 6.30 and, in summary, the reasons for recommendation 3 are as follows:

To improve the health of children by increasing active travel, reducing road danger and improving air quality near the school gate.

·         The school is supportive of the proposal; and

·         The proposals contribute towards the strategic objectives of the Council.

The reason for recommendation 5 is to enable implementation of the School Street.

Alternative options considered

Do nothing.

This option was rejected as not delivering this School Street would not meet the objectives set out in the Corporate Delivery Plan, the Transport Strategy, the Climate Change Action Plan, the Walking and Cycling Action Plan and the School Street Plan.