The Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families considered the report which sought approval to award a contract as part of the branch library transformation programme for Muswell Hill Library and to approve issuance of a letter of intent.
In discussion, the Cabinet Member questioned the availability of the additional £0.8m funding which was required to support the completion of the branch library programme and sought assurance that there was available capital contingency to support this shortfall. Officers advised that the budget had not been re-profiled into 2023/24, and the uncommitted budget of £1.4m was due to be carried forward and would be included in a report due to be considered by Cabinet on 11 July 2023. As set out in paragraph 6.10 and 8.1.3, the recommendation was to temporarily fund the expenditure through the Asset Management of Council Buildings budget (with that budget being reimbursed).
It was noted that extensive consideration had been given to value engineering of the contract, and around one quarter of the contract value was for the installation of a new lift, which would improve accessibility of the library – a key element of the refurbishment work.
The Cabinet Member also noted that if the decision were to be delayed, there would likely be a risk to both the budget and the programme due to the fact that all tender prices were held for 16 weeks, and the current price was due to expire on 19 June 2023.
The Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families RESOLVED to
1. Approve an award of Contract to Diamond Build Group PLC up to £1,044,428.64.
2. Approve a client construction contingency of 10% that equates to £104,442.86 which will be strictly managed under change control governance arrangements. This offers a total contract award value up to £1,148,871.50.
3. Approve the issuance of a letter of intent for 10% of the contract value totalling £104,442.86.
4. To waive CSO 3.01d by delegating authority to the Director of Culture, Strategy & Engagement to approve any subsequent variation within the project and programme budget up to £499,999.
5. Fund the expenditure from the Asset Management of Council Buildings budget to provide resource cover for the contract award until Cabinet considers the provisional outturn report and the carry forward requests.
Reasons for decision
There is a significant amount of enhancement, accessibility, condition, and compliance works needed to ensure the health and safety of staff as well as the public and to ensure the library is accessible to all users.
A Cabinet Member signing is being requested to enable the mobilisation of the contractor prior to main work starting at the library summer of 2023.
Alternative Options Considered
Do nothing – a decision not to support this award of construction works contract will result in the Council’s failure to suitably maintain its library estate by undertaking essential condition improvements, health and safety and improving accessibility. This would increase the likelihood of reactive works which will create greater disruption and cost to the Council and ... view the full minutes text for item 3