3 Discretionary Council Tax Support Fund Policy PDF 404 KB
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The Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequalities and Resident Services considered the report which sought approval for the proposed Discretionary Council Tax Support Fund scheme as the methodology for the delivery of the remaining allocation of funding.
The Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequality and Resident Services RESOLVED
1. To approve Haringey’s Discretionary Council Tax Support Fund Scheme (see Appendix 1) as the methodology to use the remaining allocation of funding in accordance with the guidance issued by Government.
2. To authorise the Director Culture, Strategy and Engagement, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequality and Resident Services, to make appropriate amendments to the Discretionary Council Tax Support Scheme as necessary.
Reasons for Decision
The Council is required to develop a Discretionary scheme in accordance with the requirements set out in the Guidance issued by the Government on 23rd December 2022.
The Council has developed a distribution methodology that complies with the requirements of Guidance as set out in paragraphs 19 and 20 in the Guidance
Alternative Options Considered
Various options for distribution were considered including awarding a fixed sum to all CTRS recipients, restricting the award to certain categories or groups of claimants, for example working age disabled. These options were rejected because the chosen option maximises the award of reduction to all the worst-off eligible CTRS claimants.
The option of awarding reductions to new claimants as set out in paragraph 16 of the guidance has been considered and rejected as it precludes making speedy awards of discount at the start of the year.
The Council recognises the limitations of the CTSF scheme to help residents, and the importance of getting support to residents early in the Financial year and therefore will award discounts to qualifying residents at the start of the year in order to allow them to budget effectively.