Issue - meetings

Reduction and Recycling Plan 2023-2025

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Reduction and Recycling Plan 2023-2025 pdf icon PDF 408 KB

Report of the Director of Environment and Resident Experience.  To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Resident Services and Tackling Inequality.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Resident Services and Tackling Inequality introduced the report which sought approval for the submission of parts 1 and 2 of the updates Reduction and Recycling Plan to the GLA and Mayor of London.


In response to questions from Councillor da Costa, the following was noted:

-       The 50% recycling target was set across London, and was not a Council target.  Since the target was set there have been changes to what can and can’t be recycled.  There were also issues around packaging, which had become lighter and therefore the recycling weights had reduced due to lighter packaging.


1.            Approve the updated RRP Part 1 and the RRP Part 2 for submission to the GLA and Mayor of London.


Reasons for decision

London boroughs have a statutory duty to act in general conformity with the London Environment Strategy, developed by the Mayor of London. The London Environment Strategy requires London boroughs provide an updated RRP for 2023 – 2025, which sets out how they each will contribute to the London Environment Strategy targets and comply with minimum service standards.


The updated RRP builds upon the work that has been delivered since 2019, providing updated targets, updates to actions and new actions where relevant. The document has been drafted with consideration to comments from the GLA and has agreement from the GLA that it meets their requirements.


The RRP has been updated with consideration also to the Corporate Delivery Plan 2023/24 and the Climate Change Action Plan 2021 and available North London Waste Authority (NLWA) waste strategies.


Haringey does not currently have an independent Waste Strategy.  One is under development and due for adoption in about April 2024 following appropriate consultation. This will align with the Mayor’s London Environment Strategy and will take account of the updated RRP.


Alternative options considered

The Council could do nothing, however the current RRP is out of date with targets set for 2022 and 2025, and actions which were relevant in 2019. The targets need to be reviewed to determine if the 2022 targets have been met, and whether the 2025 targets remain achievable or need to be developed further.


Many of the actions within the plan have been completed, or need updating to reflect the progress that has been made.


The Council must submit an RRP to meet its statutory duty to be in general conformity with the London Environment Strategy (LES). Failure to produce an RRP may lead to the Mayor using his powers to issue a direction to the Council as a Waste Authority in London where he considers that it is necessary for the purposes of the implementation of the municipal waste elements of the Environment Strategy. Therefore, the option of not submitting an RRP has not been considered further and is not recommended.