Issue - meetings

Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP)

Meeting: 18/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing.  To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking and Development.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking and Development introduced the report which set out the Strategic Asset Management Plan and Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) 2023-28, and sought approval for the implementation of the plan as set out at Appendix A of the report.  The SAMPIP would serve as a toolkit to allow services to become more data driven when taking asset and property related decisions, and ensure that all decisions were assessed objectively.


In response to Councillor Barnes, the following was noted:

-       Current staffing level was around 85 members of staff, with 120 in the overall structure chart.




1.    To agree the Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan 2020-2028 (“SAMPIP”), attached at Appendix A of this report.


2.    To agree that progress on this SAMPIP will be brought back to Cabinet for annual review in March 2024.


Reasons for decision

The Council’s Asset Management Plan 2020-25 was adopted by Cabinet in February 2020, with an update taken to cabinet in February 2021. At the time Cabinet was advised that it would be updated as there would be significant progress and change over the course of time.  That AMP has provided a solid foundation and many policies, which are still valid.


Officers are recommending a new Strategic Asset Management and Property Improvement Plan (SAMPIP) 2023-2028 is adopted, which builds upon this solid foundation a to reflect the current direction of travel of Haringey Council. This involves.

-       Addressing the challenges as we come out of the Covid Pandemic and enter a cost-of-living crisis.

-       Meeting the objectives of the Haringey Deal and recently adopted Corporate Delivery Plan (CDP).

-       Aligning with time frames of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

-       An expanded and refreshed set of strategic Objectives, from the previously adopted Asset Management Plan, to reflect the council’s priorities.

-       The development of 10 action plans, within the SAMPIP, to show what, by when and the outcome of improvements we will be making to our management of assets and property.  There may be a very small number of properties in the HRA, which will be included in the review of the commercial and community properties, such as shop units.

-       Adoption of a decision-making toolkit to underpin all decision making, relating to property and assets.


Alternative Options

The Council’s Asset Management Plan lasts for five years and can be refreshed annually. If this does not happen, the plan will not reflect the most recent changes and the plan will not be as helpful in development the Council’s budget strategy.