As the contingency was approved in the original Cabinet paper, Strategic Procurement has advised that Cabinet level approval is still required in order to approve the expenditure of the contingency – in accordance with the Contract Standing Orders (CSO). Payment is required to be made in December and approval is required to increase the Purchase Order (PO). If this is not paid for on time, the payment terms will not be met.
Given the above, it is not practicable to comply with the 28-day notice requirement in Part Four, Section D, Rule 13 of the constitution. This is set out in Part Four, Section D, Rule 16, of the Constitution.
The Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Development considered the report which requested authorisation for the expenditure of contingency funds in the sum of £62,000 to Foster Property Maintenance Ltd - bringing the total value of the contract to £681,082.39 for the refurbishment of offices on the Ground & 3rd floors of 48 Station Road pursuant to Contract Standing Orders (CSO) 16.02 and 10.02.1b.
The Cabinet Member RESOLVED
Pursuant to Contract Standing Orders 16.02 and 10.02.1b, to approve the expenditure of contingency funds in the sum of £62,000 to Foster Property Maintenance Ltd, bringing the total value of the contract to £681,082.39.
Reasons for decision
Following commencement of the refurbishment works to the offices at 48 Station Road, the contractor undertook strip out of the existing power and data containment – to facilitate the new installation of layout. When this work started, it became clear that the data containment was not of sufficient quality to be removed and then put back – as it was cracking and split. Therefore, the decision was taken to replace the containment at the same time as replacing the power and data cabling as there was no way to replace the existing system – as this was no longer manufactured.
Works to install the reception in Young Adults Services involved the construction of reception booths, to facilitate meetings with clients and residents. The booths utilised were reused from the existing fit out to the ground floor in 48 Station Road. Following an inspection by the staff from this department, a request was made to ‘fully enclose’ the booths with glass screens and a plasterboard bulkhead above. This ensures full separation of the front of house reception area from the offices.
Young Adults Services also requested that an intercom system be fitted to their separate entrance door. This allows for clients to this department to access the YAS reception area without entering other areas of the building – thereby further improving and enhancing the security of the service and the control of the reception environment.
These additional works increased the original contract sum by £62,000.
Alternative options considered
Do Nothing
The ‘do nothing’ option was not considered as Fosters Property Maintenance Ltd were on site carrying out the works and instructing a variation to the existing contract reflected the most cost effective and quickest way to implement the works without impacting the delivery of the broader programme of refurbishment.
As the contingency was approved in the original Cabinet paper, Strategic Procurement has advised that Cabinet level approval is still required in order to approve the expenditure of the contingency – in accordance with the Contract Standing Orders (CSO). Payment is required to be made in December and approval is required to increase the Purchase Order (PO). If this is not paid for on time, the payment terms will not be met.
Given the above, it is not practicable to comply with the 28-day notice requirement in Part Four, Section D, Rule 13 of the constitution. ... view the full minutes text for item 3