EXEMPT - Branch Library Transformation Programme - Highgate Library - Award of Construction Contract
As set out in the exempt minutes.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Civic Life considered a report seeking approval for an award of contract as part of the branch library transformation programme for Highgate Library, pursuant to contract standing order 16.02.
Further to considering the exempt information,
1. That pursuant to Contract Standing Order (CSO) 16.02, to approve an award to Contractor G, as set out in the exempt Part B of the report, for the proposed value, as set out in the exempt Part B of the report.
2. To approve a client construction contingency, as set out in the exempt Part B of the report, which will be strictly managed under change control governance arrangements.
3. To approve the issuance of a letter of intent for up to 10% of the contract value.
4. To waive Contract Standing Order (CSO) 3.01d and delegate authority to the Director of Culture, Strategy, and Engagement to approve any subsequent variation within the project and programme budget up to and not exceeding the Directors’ financial threshold level of £500,000.
Reasons for decision
There is a significant amount of enhancement, accessibility, condition, and compliance works needed to ensure the health and safety of staff as well as the public on completion of the works but to also ensure that the library is accessible to all users.
To resolve these items to minimise costs to the council and disruption to library services, the most cost-effective solution is to instruct the contractor to carry out the enhancement as well as condition and compliance works whilst on site. This decision will minimise the closure period thereby reducing disruption to the library service and customers.
A Cabinet Member signing is being requested to enable the mobilisation of the contractor prior to main work starting at the library early 2023.
Alternative Options Considered
Do nothing – a decision not to support this award of construction contract will result in the Council’s failure to suitably maintain its library estate by undertaking essential condition improvements. This would increase the likelihood of reactive works which will create greater disruption and cost to the Council and potentially result in the loss of education days. All of which would undoubtedly impact the ability to provide spaces for the community.
Delaying a decision further would add additional time to the programme and cost to the council. Not being able to award a contract and place orders at the earliest opportunity would increase the risk of not achieving the required volume of work, but also potentially incur additional costs as the contractor hold price period is early.