Issue - meetings

Haringey Family Hubs Programme

Meeting: 01/12/2022 - Cabinet Member Signing (Item 3)

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The Cabinet Member for Children, Schools, and Families considered the report which recommended accepting grant of up to £3,768,000 from the Department of Education and Department of Health and Social Care to implement the Family Hubs Programme in Haringey. Accepting grant funding will enable the implementation of the programme as described in the report and the development of four new Family Hubs for children and young people aged 0 – 19 and their families.


The Cabinet Member RESOLVED


1.    In accordance with Contract Standing Order 16.02 and Contract Standing Order 17.1, to approve the acceptance of grant funding from the Department of Education, the terms of which are summarised at section 6 of the report.


2.    To delegate authority to agree the final grant documentation and implementation plan to the Director of Children’s Services, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Schools, and Families.


Reasons for decision


The council is committed to developing a Locality Model that is needs led, responding to resident demand, providing multi agency services that are accessible locally. The Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme aligns well with this objective and will provide necessary funding to help support, design and establish local family hubs.


Alternative options considered


Local Authorities can decide not to accept any offer of grant from the Department from Education and Department of Health and Social Care. However, in doing so, this would prevent the Council from being able to implement a locality model which is a key objective within our partnership strategies: Haringey Early Help Strategy and Haringey Early Years Strategy. Therefore, this option was not considered viable.