Issue - meetings

High Road West Phase A - Compulsory Purchase Order

Meeting: 08/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 90)

EXEMPT - High Road West Phase A - Compulsory Purchase Order

As per item 13.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the exempt information.

Meeting: 08/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 High Road West Phase A - Compulsory Purchase Order pdf icon PDF 602 KB

Report of the Director of Placemaking and Housing. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Development.


This report will seek Cabinet approvals to progress Phase A of the High Road West scheme, including seeking to use the Council's compulsory purchase powers to acquire all property interests in Phase A to secure vacant possession, and the appropriation of certain pieces of land belonging to the Council within the Phase A boundary for planning purposes.



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Council Housebuilding, Placemaking, and Development introduced the report which sought Cabinet approval to progress Phase A of the High Road West scheme, including seeking to use the Council's compulsory purchase powers to acquire all property interests in Phase A to secure vacant possession, and the appropriation of certain pieces of land belonging to the Council within the Phase A boundary for planning purposes.


Following the grant of planning permission, the proposed use of CPO powers for Phase A would provide much-needed certainty for residents that the 500 new Council homes and other community benefits would be delivered, and that residents were not waiting any longer than they needed to for their new home in a safe and secure neighbourhood.


It was noted that there was a dedicated housing team which would look after the interests of all of the tenants and leaseholders including the private tenants that were on that scheme. The Council were determined to work with the businesses and ensure the scheme, which will facilitate an increase in the population in the High Road West Area , would also include focus on improving the businesses. The Council would be making sure that the businesses that do reside there, that are very valued by the local community and Council, continue to exist and to thrive in the area.


In response to questions from Cllr Connor the following information was noted:


  • There were set development phases and Lendlease would need to satisfy the Council conditions for each phase before progression and this included reimbursement of CPO costs for each phase.


  • Regarding the potential judicial review by Tottenham Hotspur and Peacock Estate Management Limited and the expected impact on the time scales of development and whether this would affect the ability to successfully draw down GLA funding, it was noted that Council had sought legal advice that confirmed that there was no reason to not progress the CPOs. The Council would be robustly resisting the legal challenges.


  • It was noted that all landowner parties had been contacted several times over by letter or through one to one meetings. This included businesses and residential leaseholders on the Love Lane estate. It was noted that, of the commercial landowners owning the shops on the High road, there was only one landowner that the Council had not heard from.


  • It was noted that the Council had not heard from around a third of leaseholders on the Love Lane estate when putting forward substantial negotiation for the purpose of acquiring their property and rehousing options for those living in their properties. However, for those who haven’t substantially engaged, the Council would be continuing to make contact and open up negotiations. The Council were in regular dialogue with the remainder of leaseholders.



Following consideration of the exempt information, it was




i.              To resolve to make a Compulsory Purchase Order for the acquisition of land, interests and new rights over the Order Land shown pink and blue on the Plans attached  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82