Issue - meetings

Child Safeguarding

Meeting: 17/03/2022 - Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee (Item 8)


A verbal update and a presentation regarding Corporate Parenting Champions.


Ms Emma Cummergen, Head of Young Adult Service, presented the item and stated that the project was a pilot to how elected members could be given a champion role around themed areas. This would help develop elected members to be champions of advocacy experts with access to subject expert advisors giving people greater opportunities to consult children and young people.

The Chair stated that the role of corporate parenting was an important role for councillors and greater attention to the role was long overdue. It was important to note that every councillor in Haringey had an important responsibility to the young people of the borough and it was important that councillors were reminded of this duty. 

The Committee noted the presentation and thanked officers for their work and dedication.



That the presentation be noted.