(i) To approve the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Statutory Advisory and Consultative Committees held on 4 October 2021 as a correct record.
(ii) To note the draft minutes of the Statutory Advisory Committee meeting held on 30 November 2021.
(iii) To note the draft minutes of the Consultative Committee meeting held on 30 November 2021.
(iv) To note the draft minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board meeting held on 13 December 2021 and 24 January 2022.
Additional documents:
In response the Consultative Committee minutes held on the 30 November 2021 the following was noted:
- The Finance Director said that he would come back to the committee about how the Salix lighting project scheme was benchmarked;
- There was a discussion about the Alexandra Park and Palace forums, which would be held in the new municipal year, the following points were raised:
o The Consultative Committee should continue to meet, supported by the Council; and
o The forums would be held on a small budget; therefore, not affecting the finances of the trust.
- On page Si Grant should be spelt Cy Grant;
- Elizabeth Richardson had given apologies for the meeting; and
- Annette Baker had given apologies for the meeting.
2. To note the draft minutes of the Statutory Advisory Committee meeting held on 30 November 2021.
3. To note the draft minutes of the Consultative Committee meeting held on 30 November 2021.
4. To note the draft minutes of the Alexandra Palace and Park Board meeting held on 13 December 2021 and 24 January 2022.