677 St Ann's Low Traffic Neighbourhood PDF 830 KB
[Report of the Director of Housing, Regeneration and Planning. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport, and the Climate Emergency and Deputy Leader of the Council]
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Clerks note: Councillors Chandwani and Davies left the meeting for the consideration of this item.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency and Deputy Leader of the Council introduced the report which sought approval of the principle to implement the St Ann’s Low Traffic Neighbourhood (St Ann’s LTN) experimental scheme and a range of complementary measures including new pedestrian crossings, cycle hangars and four trial School Streets. The LTN aimed to reduce or remove non-local motor traffic from residential areas of St Ann’s, as well as reduce the number of short trips made by vehicles which could be walked or cycled. If approved, the proposed Bounds Green LTN would be implemented on a trial basis for a maximum of 18 months under an experimental traffic management order.
The Cabinet Member and Officers responded to questions from Councillor Cawley-Harrison:
- Engagement had been an issue with this scheme, with majority of people responding to the consultation were car owners and therefore felt that the scheme would negatively impact them. It was important that non-car owners were engaged with to gain additional views on the scheme.
- In terms of the impact on Green Lanes, there was a separate study which would look at how the movement of public transport and active travel could be facilitated. Paragraph 6.93 of the report provided further information.
- Once the trials had been implemented, there were delegated powers for officers to make changes to the scheme to improve the flow of traffic where there were issues in particular areas.
RESOLVED that Cabinet
2. Approves the making of the experimental traffic management order to implement the St Ann’s LTN experimental scheme, as set out on the plan in Appendix L, subject to funding, and provided that any changes to the plan in Appendix L are reported back to the Leader, Cabinet or an individual Cabinet member for approval before being implemented;
3. Approves the making of an experimental traffic management order to implement the School Streets, as set out on the plan in Appendix L, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings to implement the traffic control measures show on the plan;
4. Approves the bike hangars, as set out on the plan in Appendix L, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings;
5. Approves the pedestrian crossings, as set out on the plan in Appendix L, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings;
6. In relation to the LTN only, approve the exemption of:
a. Blue Badge holders living within the LTN or on its immediate boundary;
b. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transport; and
c. Essential Haringey Council services catering for people with a disability ... view the full minutes text for item 677