Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/08/2021 - Alexandra Park and Palace Joint Advisory & Consultative Committee (Item 9)



Jacob O’Callaghan, Alexandra Park and Palace Conservation Area Advisory Committee, noted that he would like to raise the issue of the efficiency, diversity, and powers of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative and Advisory Committees and the Alexandra Palace and Park Committee/ Board as representatives of users of the Palace and Park from London and beyond. He stated that he was part of a new group that wanted to apply to join the Consultative Committee. He added that it was difficult to explain to people how the various bodies and committees worked. He stated that there was duplication within the various meetings and that the representatives were not particularly representative of the community. He suggested that the governance of the various bodies should be reformed.


The Chief Executive agreed that the various committees might no longer be fit for purpose. It was explained that there had been a governance review in 2017 which had identified the need for changes to be implemented. However, it was noted that there were some practical limitations, including the fact that an Order would be required to make changes to the Statutory Advisory Committee. It was suggested that it would be beneficial to obtain the views of the members of the existing committees before embarking on any public consultation. It was noted that the Alexandra Park and Palace team was required to engage with stakeholders and had offered to approach people outside of the committee structures if this suited them better. The Chief Executive also noted that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to focus on financial recovery, the governance review was not currently a priority but she stated that it would be useful to consider modernising or replacing the existing committees to ensure that they were more representative.