Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 492)


To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.


Mr Oliveri spoke on behalf of the Tottenham Business group and on behalf  of businesses in Peacock Industrial Estate in Tottenham N17. He felt that this decision on High Road West was an opportunity  for the Council and its partners to fully hear the voice of the traders and demonstrate respect to the businesses in their role as landowners. The traders wanted to reiterate that they had rights as business owners and they felt that they had been constantly disregarded and conveyed the predicament that they had been placed in with the regeneration of the High Road West area which, in their view, was placing pressure and uncertainty in the area.


They referred to the Council’s messaging on the High Road West regeneration proposals and the timing of this and questioned the benefits of the regeneration  to be realised.  They referred to recent correspondence between the Council and businesses in the area and contended that 70 to 80% of businesses in the development plans, were excluded and referred to the existing potential for local community wealth building activities, such as local jobs and training opportunities. They questioned the strategy of the Council in seeking regeneration for the area and felt that there were already businesses in place to provide for this.


Mr Oliveri spoke about the wider contribution of businesses in the Peacock Estate to essential services needed in the pandemic crisis.  They were able to provide support as they had long term  established relationships and experience in the local area. The businesses would continue to defend their rights as owners of freehold properties and would maintain this position, contributing to a successful area.


The Cabinet Member for Growth and Local Investment commented that the Council were committed to working with local businesses to establish their individual needs and to find a relocation solution which works for them and to keep as many businesses in High Road West and the surrounding area. There was a genuine commitment to finding solutions for each business based on their individual needs and preferences. The Cabinet Member would look into the concerns expressed on engagement and consider this further with officer colleagues. The Cabinet Member highlighted that the pandemic had caused difficulties with engagement and spoke about the hosting of online business events in the coming days and hoped the deputation and business colleagues in the Peacock Industrial Estate could attend and engage on the plans for the High Road West scheme.


In response to a question on ways of engaging with businesses, the deputation expressed that essentially the businesses were happy with their existing freehold properties and the locations were key part of the businesses. This point had been made to the Council over many years and the businesses felt that they were not being listened to in this regard.


The Leader of the Council allowed Cllr Gordon, Chair of the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel to put forward a question relating to alternative locations offered to the Peacock Industrial Estate. The deputation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 492