Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/07/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)

35 MTFS Update - Review of Invest to Save Items in Children's Services pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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The Committee received a report on the proposed Invest to Save programme in Children’s Services. In considering these proposals the Committee was asked to provide feedback and/or recommendations for Cabinet’s consideration. We noted that there were significant pressures on the Children’s Services budget and that these proposals sought to utilise flexible capital receipts to reduce demand pressures on the Council’s revenue budget. The report was introduced by Cllr Zena Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, as set out in the second dispatch agenda pack.


In-house Foster Care.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Families introduced the In-house foster care proposal as set out in Appendix 3 of the agenda pack. This proposal involved increasing the number of in-house foster carers and the recruitment of a new team of social workers to facilitate this. The following was noted in response to the discussion:

a.    The Committee sought assurances from the Cabinet Member for Children and Families about whether Haringey could realistically recruit the number and calibre of staff required. The Cabinet Member advised there were currently 424 Children in Care, some of whom required extensive, and often costly, levels of support and care. The Committee were advised that without undertaking a different approach, nothing would change and those cost pressures would increase. Aside from the financial aspect, the Cabinet Member set out that it was important to try and bring those children with placements outside of the Borough back to Haringey and that having an in-house foster team would support this. As part of proposals for developing an in-house foster care service, there would be an investment in skills and training to improve staff skillsets.

b.    In response to a question around confidence in the ability of the service to recruit foster carers, officers acknowledged that this was a challenge nationally but that, following the recruitment of 10 foster carers last year, they were confident it could be achieved. Officers advised that they were seeking to engage with a number of other groups to widen the potential pool of foster carers, such as faith groups and the voluntary sector.

c.    In response to a question around expected timescales, officers advised that it was a three year plan and work was underway to recruit a lead officer for this project.  The project also required specialist social workers who would be responsible for recruiting foster carers.

d.    The Committee sought clarification about what it was that was being brought back in-house, in response officers advised that rather than using an external agency to recruit foster carers, they would be recruited internally. This would ensure greater control over who was recruited as well as significant savings.


Additional  Foster Care Rooms.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Families introduced the In-house foster care proposal as set out in Appendix 3 of the agenda pack. The proposal involved increasing foster placement capacity through the funding of housing adaptions for existing in-house foster carers who had been assessed as being suitable for taking on additional placement.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35