Issue - meetings

Matters arising

Meeting: 15/10/2019 - Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee (Item 74)

Matters arising


The following points were noted in discussion regarding the minutes of 2nd July 2019 of the Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee:

·         Regarding page 2 of the minutes which referenced that there were 8 new unaccompanied asylum seeker children (UASC) at the end of the month, the Chair enquired as to whether that increased number of new UASC was still the trend. In response the Deputy Head of Safeguarding and Social Care advised that the numbers varied month to month, but noted that the performance report showed that there was a slight percentage increase from last year. 

·         Regarding the average length of time for children to move to adoption at page 3 of the minutes, the Chair enquired as to whether an updated report could be presented at the next CPAC meeting following the recent TUPE transfer of Haringey staff to the North London Regional Adoption Agency. In response the Director of Children’s Services advised that it was too soon to provide an updated report as the transfer had only recently occurred on 1st October. The Head of Children in Care & Placements informed the Committee that data was received on a monthly basis. The Chair requested that an update around adoption be placed on the CPAC work programme (Action: Clerk). 

·         Cllr Ahmet queried as to whether FGM was uncommon as referenced at page 3 of the previous minutes. The Assistant Director for Safeguarding and Social Care clarified that it was not common to receive referrals of FGM, and accordingly it was suggested that the previous minutes be amended to reflect that the data for FGM was based on referrals received (Action: Clerk). Post meeting note: the previous minutes have been amended to reflect the recommended changes.


The meeting adjourned at 6:45pm for the Aspire meeting and re-commenced at 7:30pm