Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/10/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Minutes pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting on 23rd July 2018.

Additional documents:


The Committee requested further information in relation to bringing services back in-house and the adoption of a ‘Preston’ model of supporting the local economy. In response, the Chair commented that the Cabinet Member for Insourcing was due to come and speak to the Committee at a future meeting as part of its work programme.


In relation to the points raised around CAMHS and the waiting lists involved, the Chair of the Children and Young People’s Panel agreed that the Panel would look into this as part of its work programme and report back to the Committee. (Action: Cllr Demir).


In relation to comments around the development of a co-design approach, the Panel Chair agreed that the Adults and Health Panel would monitor this as part of its work programme. (Action: Cllr Connor).


In response to an action in the minutes, officers advised the Committee that the year-end balance for Section 106 was £6.9m and £4.5m for the CIL.


In response to a question around the nature of the Budget Resilience Reserve and the Capital Financing Reserve, officers advised the Committee that both reserves were funded through revenue reserves. These were achieved through improvements in last year’s financial outturn position, as detailed in the Budget Outturn report that the Committee received at its July meeting.


In relation to the discussion around development of Wards Corner and the reasons for a reduction in CPO payments and Section 106 money, the Director of Finance agreed to provide an update to the Committee at its next meeting. (Action: Jon Warlow). 


The Chair advised the Committee that it had not been possible thus far, due Members’ diaries to arrange an additional information session around the financial outturn process. The Chair agreed to follow this up. (Action: Chair).


In response to a request for further information in respect the ACM cladding on  a private holiday  hotel at Tottenham Hale,[ redaction of hotel name following MHCLG guidance] the Chair advised that the Committee had received an update at its latest evidence gathering session and that Committee would continue to monitor this issue as part of its review into Fire Safety.


The Committee agreed that the actions from the minutes should be compiled into a table for the Chair to chase up in advance of future meetings. (Action: Clerk/Chair).





That the minutes of the meeting on the 23rd July be approved as a correct record of the meeting.