Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/08/2006 - Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee (Item 11)


(Verbal Report of the General Manager, Alexandra Palace) To advise the Committee on progress.



(Verbal report of the General Manager Alexandra Palace)(Agenda Item 4):


            The Chair asked the General Manager, Mr Holder, to give a verbal update to the meeting. Mr Holder advised that given the principal holiday season  there was little specific progress to report other than that solicitors acting on behalf of the Firoka Group and the Alexandra Palace and Park Trust had continued to be engaged in dialogue with each other particularly over the descriptions of phases one, two and three of the development wording of which had still to be agreed between the parties.


            Mr Aspden sought clarity on the payment of the lease premium. Mr Holder responded that there would be five equal annual payments which would commence on the sixth anniversary of the signing of the lease. Further, Mr Holder confirmed that Haringey Council was making provision for the expenditure incurred for the upkeep of the park during the development stages. In response to a question from Councillor Hare, who was in attendance as an observer of the meeting, Mr Holder stated that he had no knowledge of a proposal to place a school playing field within the park’s boundaries as part of the building of a new school in the Haringey Heartlands area. The Committee Clerk was asked to send details of the new school to Members for information.