65 Scrutiny Panel Recommendations on Osborne Grove PDF 164 KB
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Councillor Connor introduced the report before Members on the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel’s recent meeting that discussed Osborne Grove Nursing Home, and asked that the Committee approve the Panel’s recommendation to Cabinet that the implementation of the decision to close the Home be paused.
The Committee discussed further the concern that current residents may face more than one move as part of the decant from the Home, which would bring additional risks for their wellbeing. The Committee noted that there was not a fixed date for the closure of the home.
The Committee discussed that there had been a decline in the quality of care at the Home over a number of years, and Councillor Connor set out that the panel had heard that standards were improving, albeit it at a time with fewer residents. The Committee also noted the cost associated with the running of the Home.
The Committee heard that there had been suggestions of the Whittington being more involved in Osborne Grove, which could be considered in the options appraisal, though similar proposals had not been implemented when suggested previously.
Councillor Connor further clarified what was meant by the recommendation to pause implementation of the closure of the home – in particular that a pause did not mean new residents would be admitted, but rather that the decant would be halted.
Following a vote, there being four Members in favour of approving the recommendation and one Member opposed, it was
That the Committee approve the recommendation of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel calling on Cabinet to pause the implementation of the decision to close Osborne Grove Nursing Home, allowing the options appraisal for the provision of nursing care on the site to be taken into account
125 Outcome of consultation and decision on proposal relating to Osborne Grove Nursing Home PDF 88 KB
[Report of the Director for Adult Social Care. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social care and Culture.] Consultation has taken place from 17th July to 12th November 2017 on the proposal to close Osborne Grove Nursing Home following concerns about the quality of care and safety of residents. This report presents to Cabinet the feedback from consultation and other engagement with stakeholders and asks for a decision on the proposal.
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The Cabinet Member for Adults and Social Care introduced the report, which proposed the closure of the Osborne Grove Nursing Home due to significant concerns about the quality and safety of the care being provided to the residents at the Home.
In response to questions from Cllr Arthur, Connor, and Brabazon, the following information was noted:
· There was concern across North Central London on the availability of Nursing Care beds and this continues to be an issue.
· Since CQC [Care Quality Commission] rated Pricilla Wakefield House as “require improvements”, the Council had only placed one resident there. This was due to very exceptional circumstances to do with the family themselves wanting this place.
· In relation to the consideration of the options appraisal, the Council were following the required process in firstly dealing with the outcome of the consultation before considering the options appraisal.
· The higher order issue, concerned the quality of care at home. The Director for Adult Social care reminded the meeting of her statutory duty of care for the residents at Osborne Grove Nursing Home. The Director was directly accountable for the Nursing Home and regularly considered the detail around the standard of care provided to residents by staff. It was important to note, that staff performance could not be judged on demeanour and first impressions of their interaction with clients. There was a need to consider how the nutritional needs and assessed clinical needs of the clients were being addressed on a daily basis and if identified issues/concerns by staff were progressed upwards through the management line. The embargo on admissions, which had been in place for over a year, reflected the position in relation to staff as this could not be lifted because of concern about care and safety of patients.
· The Director provided assurance that independent advocates would be employed to support and provide a voice for the clients in the closure process. The director understood the concerns of a move being traumatic for clients but evidence showed that moving to a better standard of care would mean their health improves. Therefore, there was a need to balance considerations.
· The £1m overspend on Osborne Grove Nursing Home had arisen due to a number of reasons: the loss of contributions from CCG who have not made block contracts with the home due to the Embargo on placements put in place through the Establishment concerns process , the loss of direct contribution from clients that would have funded their care at the Home, and the additional cost of specialist staff employed because of poor staff practices. There had been significant effort to improve staffing practices. However, despite management oversight, there was still evidence of poor staff practice.
· The interim Chief Financial Officer confirmed that the Nursing Home incurred revenue cost which could not be capitalised. The equipment at Osborne Grove was unlikely to suit capitalisation as it was small in size. Therefore, capitalisation would not make an impact on the budget overspend.
· The Assistant Director for Commissioning ... view the full minutes text for item 125