Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 105)


[Report of the Interim Director for Commercial and Operations. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment.]The report will seek Cabinet approval to commence a consultation exercise to seek views from residents, landlords and businesses on introducing a borough wide Additional Licensing Scheme for all HMOs and either a part or full borough Selective Licensing scheme for all other Private Sector Housing.



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the report which sought a decision from Cabinet to carry out a public consultation exercise in respect of the roll out of a borough wide additional licensing scheme and introduce a part borough selective licensing scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Environment emphasised that demand for housing was at an all-time high and there was a need for a wide range of homes, in terms size, type and tenure in the borough to meet the diversity of current and future needs. Rather than compromise the housing standards and conditions of both new and existing housing to meet the ever increasing demand, it was important to ensure that all who live in the borough have access to decent, secure housing.


The Cabinet Member spoke about having high quality, safe, warm and well maintained homes which should be available to all and not influenced by the person’s level of income or background. There was a need for a private sector, which makes up a third of Haringey’s housing, to thrive and be part of that offer.


The Cabinet Member emphasised the need to improve people’s surroundings and their local environment by reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.


The Cabinet Member asked Cabinet colleagues to agree a public consultation on the additional licensing scheme and introducing a selective licensing.





  1. To authorise the Interim Director for Commercial and Operations, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to finalise and commence a statutory consultation, as outlined in section 13, on the proposal to roll out a borough wide additional licensing scheme and introduce a selective licensing scheme to 29 Lower Super Output Areas based on the evidence attached as Appendix 1.


  1. To approve the proposed licensing fees and charges detailed at Appendix 2


  1. To approve the proposed set of licensing conditions for both the additional and selective licensing scheme, attached as Appendix 3a and 3b.


Reasons for decision


It is necessary for the Cabinet to agree to the public being consulted on the licensing scheme proposals, including the licensing fees and conditions.


Alternative options considered


Do nothing and continue with existing legal powers - Existing powers available to the Council are largely reactive with officers responding to tenants’ complaints. Many tenants are reluctant to complain through fear of retaliatory eviction. Although current enforcement activity has been successful in remedying problems in individual dwellings, it is not felt to have raised the standard of private sector dwellings generally.


Voluntary Accreditation - Although the voluntary accreditation scheme is helpful in driving up standards, it relies on the willingness of landlords to sign up to it. It is likely therefore that conscientious landlords will continue to support the scheme, but that rogue landlords will remain difficult to identify and will avoid joining the scheme, preferring instead to operate with the minimum regulation.