Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18-2021/22

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 185)

185 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18-2021/22 pdf icon PDF 973 KB

[Report of the  Chief Operating Officer.  To be introduced by the Cabinet member for Finance and Health.  Following public consultation and Scrutiny review , to consider the final budget package for 2017/18 and later years, proposed council tax for 2017/18 and approval of HRA rents. The  strategy  will then go forward to Full Council on the 27th of February  for adoption.



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The Cabinet Member for Finance and Health introduced the report which set out the current Council financial position. The report finalised the Council’s General Fund Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the period 2017/18 to 2021/22 and proposed approval of the constituent elements of the strategy to Council on 27th February 2017 together with the Council’s revenue and capital budgets for 2017/18.


The Cabinet Member spoke of the rapid increases in demand for Children services, Adults Social Care and Temporary Accommodation combined with significant difference in funding for the Council and wider financial strains in the public sector. Despite this, £50m of savings had been made but there was a gap of £45m, over the next 5 years, so the challenge faced was stark.


It was noted that the Adults Social Care Precept, at the time consultation of the budget was taken forward in December, was proposed at 2% for each proceeding three financial years. However, the Council could now levy 3 % in each of the next two financial years, a total of 6% over three financial years. Therefore, the report was recommending a 3% pre-cept in 2017/18/19 whilst continuing to freeze Council tax base rate. This was important as the Council were expecting growth in GLA precept rate of 1.5 %.


In relation to the risks in the MTFS savings proposed that were marked red or amber, these were around 65% of the savings and it was important to be clear that the Council would be consistently monitoring these savings and working with partners and residents to meet these savings requirements which would mean changing the way the Council works, whilst also delivering on the agreed Corporate Plan.


The Cabinet Member thanked participants in the consultation and thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their recommendations. There were two key changes recommended that were accepted. These were the removal of the proposal for Library reduced hours and target operating model for parking. The Council would revisit how the Parking service works and re-asses best value for money in relation to this service.


Councillor Connor, Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, introduced the Scrutiny recommendations on the budget which were a result of individual panel work which was collated and discussed at the main Committee meeting. Cllr Connor drew attention to the financial risk outlined in the report and requested that Scrutiny receive, as part of their usual information about the budget, more details on the risk assessment of the savings proposals and mitigations.


Councillor Connor was pleased that the Libraries proposal had been withdrawn and mentioned the disability expenditure proposal. There had been debate at Scrutiny on the individual assessment tasks, involved in making this saving, and whether this would reduce the savings. Therefore, a request was made not to proceed with this saving and that further consideration be given to the financial cost around doing this.


In relation to the Daycare Opportunities proposal, which had been deferred for a further financial year , it was hoped  ...  view the full minutes text for item 185