Issue - meetings

Matters arising

Meeting: 16/03/2015 - Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee (Item 342)

Matters arising


a.         Child Sexual Exploitation


Jon Abbey, Interim Director of Children’s Services, updated the Committee on the Council’s Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) awareness campaign.


NOTED that


·         a task and finish group had met four times and devised a strategy, which had been signed-off by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB);


·         the five recommendations of the pan-London peer review were being considered to ensure they were reflected in the Council’s CSE action plan and strategy priorities;


·         posters focussing on CSE were provided in safeguarding packs and sent to Haringey schools and businesses;


·         both web-based and face-to-face training on recognising CSE were available to staff.