Issue - meetings

Integrated Enforcement - Outline scope

Meeting: 09/07/2013 - Housing, Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel (Item 8)

Integrated Enforcement - scoping

To identify aims and objectives of proposed work together and the formulation of an outline project plan (project outcomes and milestones).



The panel received a presentation of the proposed aims, outcomes, and work plan for the work on integrated enforcement.  These are summarised below.


The aims of this review will be to:

·        To investigate the coordination, consistency and effectiveness of enforcement functions across the Council;

·        Assess public awareness of, and engagement with enforcement functions across the Council including clear criteria.


The work of the panel will be to:

·        Conduct an audit of enforceable functions across the Council and its partners;

·        Consult with specialist agencies and other local authorities to guide and inform policy and practice in Haringey;

·        Assess local community perceptions of enforcement functions.


It is anticipated that the work of the panel will produce evidence and recommendations to:

·        Support the development of an overarching enforcement policy or approach to enforcement across the Council;

·        Establish criteria for enforceable actions (for example, fairness, proportionality, public safety, costs, public interest, when/ where enforcement can take place and by whom);

·        Indentify how enforcement functions can be supported to work together (e.g.  IT systems, protocols, data sharing, partnership working);

·        Ensure that there is an effective process for public involvement for enforcement processes (awareness, engagement and notification).


The panel agreed that there would be 5 stages for this work:

·        Clarification of Council role in this area (Dir. A/D Environment)

·        Survey of officers with enforcement functions - July /August. (Initial data gathering e.g. functions, enforceable actions, resources, data sharing, IT, proactive/active, perceived effectiveness).

·        Evidence gathering sessions with officers managing enforcement functions - internal and local partners (September – November ‘13) Key themes:

o   Examples of effective coordination of enforcement action

o   Barriers to cross departmental working for enforcement 

o   What actions could be taken by the Council to support more effective coordination of enforcement functions (e.g. data sharing, protocols, models of working etc)?

·        Evidence gathering session with specialist agencies and other local authorities (November/December) -  to identify best practice elsewhere.

·        Public survey / evidence gathering session

o   How to improve awareness about what the Council will and will not enforce;

o   How are enforcement policies or approaches communicated to the public?

o   How can local people (residents, community groups) to be encouraged to assist within enforcement role (e.g. reporting offences such as fly-tipping)?

o   How should enforcement successes be communicated to public?


A scoping report for the above will be produced for the next meeting of the EHSP in September 2013.