Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/06/2013 - Community Safety Partnership (Item 64)

64 Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March as a correct record.




·        That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March be agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising;

·        The next PMG meeting would be focussed on youth offending including looking to create alignment with the review of youth services. The Chair advised that Linda James, the Strategic Manager for the Youth Offending Service had recently retired and requested that the thanks of the Partnership for her work be recorded.

·        The public consultation event held on the draft fifth London Safety Plan in April had been challenging, with low turnout. Partners were reminded that the consultation remained open for further comments until 17 June.

·        Joint working was progressing on the establishment of a high risk panel focussing on managing fire and other risks for vulnerable people, potentially utilising a model in place in Camden. Improved joint working procedures has also been introduced between LFB and the Council’s Adult Services to identify vulnerable, high risk individuals at an earilier stage to provide a proactive approach to reducing their risks.   



PC Matt Arnold and Natalie Green from the British Transport Police (BTP) introduced themselves to the Partnership as Crime Reduction Officers covering the overground stations in the borough. The BTP produced quarterly crime reports which would potentially be of interest to the CSP in their performance monitoring role. It was agreed that PC Arnold would liaise with Hazel Simmonds to arrange for the BTP crime stats to be included within future performance monitoring reports submitted to the PMG. The BTP officers also offered to provide a short presentation to a future meeting on the Secure Stations Scheme which might be of relevance to the Partnership. The value was also recognised in the BTP contributing to the working group leading on the town centres improvement project and with the ASB focussed work underway in the borough, particularly in recognition of their contacts with Police teams covering the Underground.