Issue - meetings

Budget Scrutiny 2012-13

Meeting: 04/12/2012 - Housing, Planning and Development Scrutiny Panel (Item 15)

15 Draft Medium Term Financial Plan pdf icon PDF 539 KB

To consider and comment upon the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan 2013-2016 as follows:




1) Cabinet Member Introduction;


2) Review of Budget proposals from the draft MTFP;


3) Consideration of identified budget area(s);


4) Conclusions and recommendations.

Additional documents:


Environment - Savings Proposals

The Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the budget proposals for their portfolio area.   It was noted that the Place and Sustainability Directorate was required to contribute to a £25 million budget gap over the MTFP period. Whilst this figure has been offset by some increase in fees and charges, budget proposals had involved some difficult decisions to ensure that front line services were protected.

The panel discussed budget proposals for environment services.  The following provides a summary of these discussions and any conclusions reached.  The reference number refers to appropriate budget line in Appendix 2 of the MTFP (savings proposals).

        P3 – Additional income from planning fees.  The panel noted that central government has authorised local planning authorities to increase planning application fees by up to 15%.  This, together with an expected increase in the number of applications received, will generate additional income (£25k) for planning and regeneration.

        P4-5 – The panel noted the deletion of middle management posts from planning and carbon management services.

        P6 – The panel discussed proposals to increase allotment fees to develop income by £60k.  It was noted that this increase would result in a 100% increase for the land element of allotment holder’s rental.   Thus as the average rent is currently £45.50 per annum, made up of £31.75 for land rental and the remainder for water charges, and the former would rise to approximately £63.50 per annum.  The proposal also included £30k for capital investment in allotments.

          The panel noted that there were approximately 1,600 tenants across 27 allotment sites.  80% of tenants were resident in Haringey.  The panel were keen to assess what impact such an increase would have for low income tenants, or those on benefits. 

          The panel heard from a representative from Haringey Allotment Forum, who noted that:

§         Allotment holders had already had a 50% increase in rent two years ago

§         The £30k capital investment will not go far among 27 sites

§         Previous match funding for capital projects had not been identified.  T

§         The increase would not be well received by allotment holders.

        Action: Leisure Services to provide data on allotment holders in respect of geographical distribution and demographics, and if available, those on low income.

        P8 – Amend policy to increase the number of events in Finsbury Park.  Current arrangements allow for 5 events per year, none of which can occur in the summer holidays. A policy change is proposed to provide more flexibility and to allow more events to take place (up to 12 per annum).  It was anticipated that this would increase income from £65k to £150k per annum. 

          Panel members noted that Finsbury Park was well connected for transport which made it very desirable for event hire.  In this context, the panel questioned whether the Council charges adequately reflected this and how prices compared with similar venues.  It was not clear if the £150k income was a net figure, once all associated costs had been deducted.

        The panel recommended  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15