Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Alexandra Park and Palace Joint Advisory & Consultative Committee (Item 93)

93 REGENERATION pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To receive the report of the Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace, on progress of the Regeneration project, including detail of the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the refurbishment and opening of the Theatre and BBC Studio A.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the Regeneration report as set out in the agenda papers, and introduced by Duncan Wilson – Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace.



·        The main purpose of the report was to ask for written endorsement of the HLF bid from the Chairs of the Statutory Advisory Committee and the Consultative Committee.

·        Slides were shown of the proposed hotel development – Farrells had produced outline designs to show developers what would be possible within the confines of the existing building.

·        The HLF bid was a clearly defined process, and the £16.5m bid was a challenge.  Match-funding of £6.7m would have to be raised, and would require a significant contribution from the Local Authority.  HLF would look to the Local Authority to be supportive of the bid.

·        The scope of the scheme had varied – the focus was on the East Court, the theatre, Studios A & B, and the connecting rooms, but not the Transmitter Hall.

·        The East Court would be used to tell the story of Alexandra Palace through pictures and models.  This would lead to the refurbished studios.  It was not intended to create a permanently manned museum, but regular guided tours would be provided.

·        The appearance of the SE wing façade facing the Park would be improved by removing the unsightly blocking put there by the BBC.

·        The proposals represent the minimum spend to restore the two areas into a usable, viable space.




i)          To note the content of the report and to endorse the Trust’s bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.


ii)         That the Chairmen of both the Statutory Advisory and Consultative Committees shall write to the HLF in support of the bid.