Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/05/2012 - Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee (Item 58)


To make any recommendations to the Board regarding the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, further to discussions during the Joint Informal Meeting of the Statutory Advisory Committee & Consultative Committee (SAC/CC).


Report included in the 22 May 2012 Joint SAC/CC agenda pack.


The Committee noted the discussion held during the Joint SAC/CC meeting.


Councillor Christophides left the room whilst the proposal for a water storage tank at the Cricket Club was discussed.


The Committee was not satisfied that enough information had been provided with regards to the proposal.


Duncan Wilson – Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace – suggested that a site visit be arranged for members of the SAC (and interested members of the CC).


RESOLVED that no recommendations be made to the Board until SAC members have been provided with a detailed proposal.