Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/03/2012 - Alexandra Park and Palace Joint Advisory & Consultative Committee (Item 58)

58 REGENERATION pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the Chief Executive – Alexandra Palace

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report on the Regeneration Programme Update as detailed on pages 31 - 44 of the agenda pack, introduced by Duncan Wilson – Chief Executive, Alexandra Park and Palace.  Francis Maude – Donald Insall Associates – was introduced and later spoke to the Executive Summary as laid out on pages 37 – 41 of the agenda pack.



·        Terry Farrell & Partners (TF&P) had been appointed to undertake the strategic special master planning work at the Palace.  This would form the basis of a public consultation in May.  It was suggested that an informal SAC/CC would be held on 2 April to engage before the consultation.  Public consultation would start on 18 May, subject to approval from the Board.

·        The Trust were looking into ways of borrowing funds, initially approaching the Local Authority.  The alternative of private borrowing would be explored, although this might require part of the Palace to be leased.

·        The Chief Executive encouraged Committee members to publicise the consultation in their relevant organisations so that a wide range of people could take part.

·        The full copy of the Draft Conservation Management Planwould be made available for Committee members following the meeting.

·        The main purpose of the Plan was to summarise the existing state of knowledge and draw out the main strands of the historical development of the building.

·        This could be discussed in more detail at the proposed informal meeting on 2 April.


RESOLVED to note the report.