Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/01/2012 - Alexandra Park and Palace Joint Advisory & Consultative Committee (Item 44)


To receive the report of the Head of Regeneration and Development, Alexandra Palace updating on the regeneration of Alexandra Palace.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the Regeneration Programme Update report, introduced by Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace as laid out on pages 19 – 23 of the agenda pack.




  • A conservation architect, Donald Insall Associates, had been appointed.
  • The Trust’s bid for funding from English Heritage had been successful and therefore met 80% of the cost of developing the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) (also called Heritage Management Plan (HMP). The Trust was still waiting for a decision on its bid to English Heritage for funding towards the repair and maintenance of the south terrace and the defective roof above the ice rink foyer.
  • Heritage Lottery Funding had encouraged the Trust to apply for funding in its major grants round in November. Funds obtained could go towards repairs to the TV Studios.
  • The appointment of a spatial master-planner was being considered to assist with developing the Palace and all its areas as a venue and working with partners.  Plans would be publicly consulted on around June 2012.
  • Committee Members congratulated the Chief Executive and the Head of Regeneration on the positive regeneration plans, and the Managing Director of Alexandra Palace Trading Company for the Trading Company’s success.  
  • Asked if there was an alternative plan in place the Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace explained that in addition to the bids for funding the Trust was working to generate income, for Palace repairs and maintenance, through commercial partnerships, although the Heritage Lottery Fund would be the main donor.
  • The Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace committed to continuing the dialogue with Friends of Alexandra Palace Theatre about the group’s vision.  The CMP would include a study of the Theatre and would also focus on bringing visitors to the Park and Palace as well as preserving its historical aspects.


RESOLVED to note the report.