Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/10/2011 - Joint meeting of Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee &Children's Safeguarding Policy and Practice Committee (Item 12)

12 Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider and agree the minutes of the Joint meeting of the Corporate Parenting Committee and Children’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Committee  held on the 17 March 2011.


The Committee considered the minutes from the previous joint meeting held on the 17 March 2011.  A remark was made on the  timeliness of the  Joint Committee considering these minutes as it would be difficult to recall the issues discussed at the last meeting.  A suggestion was made to have the minutes agreed with by the Corporate Parenting Committee and Children’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Committee  at their next available meetings and not at the next joint  meeting in March. The Committee agreed that this suggestion be taken forward.


Clarification was sought on the number of  children at the time of the meeting  in March that were subject to child protection plans  as there were two figures contained in the minutes .  The Committee noted that it was likely to be 326 children but  Committee members would receive an email  update on this. The service have since advised that


The 326 figure  relates to the number of Children and Young people subject to Child Protection Plans across the Department; the figure of 253 is the number of children and young people subject to Child Protection Plans within the Safeguarding and Support Service. The data came from Iain Low’s presentation  about the work of the Safeguarding and Support.