Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/09/2011 - Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee (Item 10)


On Tuesday 19th July the SAC/CC (Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee and Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee) reviewed the Joint SAC/CC arrangements and agreed the recommendations of the Consultative Committee Working Group, which met on Monday 18th June, including the following recommendations:

  • In the spirit of building on what has already been achieved, there are further improvements to the joint meeting arrangements that could be made. See below:
  • Retain the joint meeting approach, but structure the meeting as two separate but consecutive formal meetings in sequence, first the CC and then the SAC.
  • The agenda could be common for both parts.
  • Councillor trustee members of the CC should attend and take part in the first meeting just as they would for the CC now. SAC members could be involved in the first meeting as participating but non-voting observers.
  • For the second part, which would be ring-fenced as formal SAC, members of the CC could attend as non participating observers.
  • Chairman of the SAC would be as of now, and chairman of the CC would be decided by the membership.


The Advisory Committee is recommended to agree the above points as a way forward for the Joint SAC/CC arrangements.


The notes of the CC and SAC/CC review working groups are included in the agenda pack for the Joint SAC/CC meeting starting at 19:30hrs on 13th September 2011. Or can be found at:



Clerk’s note: 19:05 hrs - The Vice Chair, Cllr Errol Reid, was in the chair for this item.


The Committee received the recommendations of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee Working Group, which met on Monday 18th June 2011.  The recommendations had been agreed by the Consultative Committee at a special meeting held on 6th September 2011 as a way forward for the Joint SAC/CC.


RESOLVED to agree the recommendations of the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee Working Group as set out below:

  • In the spirit of building on what has already been achieved, there are further improvements to the joint meeting arrangements that could be made. See below:
  • Retain the joint meeting approach, but structure the meeting as two separate but consecutive formal meetings in sequence, first the CC and then the SAC.
  • The agenda could be common for both parts.
  • Councillor trustee members of the CC should attend and take part in the first meeting just as they would for the CC now. SAC members could be involved in the first meeting as participating but non-voting observers.
  • For the second part, which would be ring-fenced as formal SAC, members of the CC could attend as non participating observers.
  • Chairman of the SAC would be as of now, and chairman of the CC would be decided by the membership.