Issue - meetings

Election of Chair

Meeting: 31/05/2011 - Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee (Item 1)

Election of Chair


Election of Chair

As it was the first meeting of the Municipal Year 2011/12 the Clerk sought nominations for the position of Chair of the Advisory Committee. 

Ms J. Hutchinson nominated Mr David Liebeck as Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.  Mr D. Frith seconded the nomination.

There being no further nominations it was:


That Mr D. Liebeck (Warner Estate Residents’ Association) be duly elected as Chair of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.

Mr D. Liebeck in the Chair

Election of Vice-Chair

The Chair sought nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.  Ms J. Hutchinson nominated Councillor Reid as Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee.  This was seconded by Cllr Erskine.

There being no further nominations it was:


That Councillor Errol Reid be duly elected as Vice-Chair of the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee for the Municipal Year 2011/12.