Issue - meetings

Rethinking Haringey

Meeting: 19/05/2011 - General Purposes Committee (old) (Item 146)

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The committee to consider a follow up report on the re-organisation of the Council. Report to follow


Following on from the previous consideration of the Chief Executive’s report on Rethinking Haringey on January 25th 2011, the Committee received an update on a change to the reorganisation of the Council following consultation.  This was the proposal to establish a project support office which would report to the Chief Executive. This Office would generate further efficiency by bringing together resources deployed to support Council projects. It would enable better co-ordination of resources in the Council project activity area and would also mean that this office would replace a number of project offices in the Council including the one currently assigned to efficiency. The staffing changes arising from this proposal would be progressed in accordance with the standard Council employment processes for reorganisation.  It was noted that this would reduce expenditure on project resources.


Understanding was sought on how the Council were monitoring and managing the spans of control following the consequential restructures of teams .This was further to the Committee receiving a number of reports on service restructures in which some still contained proposals for a management post managing less than 5-8 staff, the recommended number under the Rethinking Haringey proposals.  The Committee were informed that   there was an analysis exercise, currently being undertaken by the Assistant Chief Executive, of the teams restructured under the Rethinking Haringey proposals to ascertain how they were conforming to the recommendations and principles of the Rethinking Haringey report. The Committee were informed that a number of teams do adhere to the spans of control principle   but this exercise would help identify where the spans of control principle was not being utilised and could lead to identification of further savings. The Assistant Chief Executive offered to report back his findings from this exercise to the Corporate Committee if needed.


It was clarified that the Member Panel Appointment process was to  be completed and the first phase involving internal appointments had been completed .There  were a further two  Member Appointment panels to be convened to appoint the Assistant Director for Frontline services and the Assistant Director for Finance.




  1. The progress towards restructuring the top three tiers of Council Staff was noted.


  1. That the minor changes arising from further consideration of the Council structure agreed at Council in February 24th 2011, as detailed in Paragraph 6.5 be agreed.


  1. That the Equalities Impact Assessment attached at appendix one be noted.