Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/01/2011 - Alexandra Park and Palace Statutory Advisory Committee (Item 41)


To receive the report of the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, updating the Advisory Committee on events and works within the park.


The Committee received the Park Activities Update introduced by the Park Manager, Alexandra Palace, Mark Evison, as laid out in the report, pages 35-38 of the agenda pack.


Page 36 – Paragraph 7 – Car Park Charging


Councillor Beacham highlighted that a unique selling point of Alexandra Palace was that the venue offered free parking.  The Committee noted that if a decision was made to start charging for car parking it would include consultation with Alexandra Palace Trading Company (APTL) and there would be a degree of flexibility to suspend the charges at any point  i.e. when large events were being held or for individual car parks.


Officers emphasised that data would be collected until early February and the results would be reported to the Advisory Committee at a later stage.


Page 36 – Paragraph 8 – Little Dinosaurs Planning Inspectorate Case


David Frith (The Rookfield Association) sought confirmation that the Alexandra Palace and Park Board of Trustees was satisfied to continue the tenancy despite the Tenant’s contravention of the lease.  The Park Manager explained that the matter had not been officially reported to the Board; however, there would be no contravention once the Tenant had removed the paving slabs and storage units as agreed.


Officers noted the suggestion that revenue could be generated by charging commuters for the use of the Palace’s car parks and highlighted that many commuters already parked in the Palace and walked to the nearby station.


Clerk’s note:  David Liebeck arrived and took over as Chair of the meeting.


In response to questions about the cost of implementing such a parking scheme it was noted that the car parking operator may pay the capital cost of setting up the scheme.


RESOLVED to note the report.