Issue - meetings

JOINT meeting of the Alexandra Park & Palace Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee

Meeting: 14/09/2010 - Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (Item 24)

JOINT meeting of the Alexandra Park & Palace Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee

To discuss the possibility of having a joint meeting of the Statutory Advisory Committee and the Consultative Committee.


The Committee was invited to consider a joint meeting with the Statutory Advisory Committee to discuss how both committees would work in the future.


The Chair reported that Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee had agreed to conduct a review into the effectiveness of its own role and would then consider how it should link in with the Consultative Committee.   It was noted that the Advisory Committee was a statutory committee and would require an act of parliament in order to amend its remit.


Committee Members highlighted: that membership of the Statutory Advisory Committee could be widened by the application of a Charity Commission scheme; that, whilst it was recognised that the duplication of committee meetings was inefficient, there would still be a requirement to divide the considerations of the Advisory Committee and the Consultative Committee if they were to join in future.


It was suggested that the Consultative Committee wait until the Advisory Committee had conducted the review of its own role; Consultative Committee members would welcome the opportunity to informally feed into this review. Once feedback from the Advisory Committee review is available either a joint meeting could be held to consider the matter further of the Consultative Committee can discuss it independently at a future meeting.  Meanwhile it should be noted that the Consultative Committee would not attempt to impose on the role of the Statutory Advisory Committee.  It was recognised that a joint meeting would be quite large.


RESOLVED that the Consultative Committee consider the issue further once feedback from the Statutory Advisory Committee on the review of its remit was received.