Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/11/2010 - Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (Item 38)



Governance - Consultative Committee Working Group

The Chair suggested that a Working Group be established to review the work of the Consultative Committee.  The Working Group would inform the Committee in its discussions about whether a joint committee should be established to see how the Advisory Committee and the Consultative Committee could work together in the future to streamline work and officer time.


RESOLVED that Gordon Hutchinson, Colin Marr, Jacob O’Callaghan, Colin Richell and Nigel Willmott sit on the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee Working Group to review the work of the Committee and consider whether it can be amalgamated with the Alexandra Park and Palace Advisory Committee.



Bespoke Code of Governance

A Member of the Committee expressed disappointment that the Bespoke Code of Governance report presented to the Statutory Advisory Committee on 2nd November had not been presented to the Consultative Committee.  The Chair asked the Clerk to circulate the link to the Council’s website where this document can be found.



Schools Use of Park

In response to a question from a Member of the Committee about the cricket  ground being used by the new school, Mark Evison, Alexandra Park Manager, explained that he had not received any recent update on this proposal from the Alexandra Park Club, the leasholder of the cricket ground, or the school’s representatives. He explained that the income from hiring the parts of Newlands fields (whether to the school or not) would be welcomed, and indeed the area was used previously as football pitches


The Park Manager would provide updated information about the school’s use of the cricket ground, if any information was forthcoming.