Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (Item 16)


A presentation from Kevin Pestell, Chair of the Alexandra Palace Angling Association will be received.


The Committee received the briefing introduced by Kevin Pestell, Chair of the Alexandra Palace Angling Association.  Full copies of the Angling Association Profile document were made available at the meeting.


Mr Pestell highlighted that the Angling Association was unique in that it: had a large number of members for a club that did not own its own pond; was open to youngsters from other boroughs and Mr Pestell himself was one of few fully licensed angling coaches.


Mr Pestell stated that the Angling Association was very happy with the progress of the boating lake improvements and particularly the work of Mr Evison (Alexandra Park Manager) and intended to continue to work closely with Alexandra Palace and Park.


In response to questions from the Committee Mr Pestell explained that although fishing was not permitted in the New River (which would run through the Heartlands Development) it would be a good spot for fishing. 


Mr Pestell was asked whether barbed or barbless hooks were preferred and stated that as a coach he would always recommend barbless hooks but emphasised that even with barbless hooks damage could still be caused to fish.


Mr Pestell was asked about the incident of a large pike in the pond some years ago and explained that it had been a small pike but emphasised that even a small pike would take ducklings, which had been going missing at the time.


The Committee noted that the Park Manager was planning to undertake a stock check of the fish in the boating lake and was liaising with the Angling Association and the Environment Agency in order to add more fish to the lake.


On behalf of the Committee the Chair thanked Mr Pestell and congratulated the Angling Association for the good work it did and reminded Mr Pestell that organisations could apply for funding from the “Making the Difference” fund.