Issue - meetings

Greenest Borough Strategy

Meeting: 14/12/2007 - Community Safety Partnership (Item 23)

23 Greenest Borough Strategy pdf icon PDF 213 KB

A presentation will be made.


A presentation was given on the Greenest Borough Strategy.


The Board was advised of the national and regional context within which the Strategy had been formed. It was noted that the Strategy would address Government targets in relation to the reduction of emissions and the targets within the Mayor’s London Plan and supporting strategies.


In addition to the broader national and regional targets, the Strategy was also informed the local context, including the Sustainable Community Strategy, the Haringey Council Plan and the Strategic Framework for Improving Adults’ Well-Being 2007/10.


In order to develop the Strategy, a Better Haringey Working Group and Stream Board had been formed and an Away Day was being held in the new year.


The Board was advised that the consultation process had included a ‘vox pop’, presentations to the Council’s Area Assemblies and to young people via schools and that there had been consultation with Council staff. It was noted that the consultation period would end on 31 January 2008.


The Council’s Cabinet would consider the Strategy in April 2008 and it would be submitted to Council in July 2008.


The Chair noted that there was an increasing focus on the need to address environmental issues and that this had to be addressed at local, as well as at a national and international level. The partnership was ideally placed to look at ways of tackling environmental issues at a local level.


It was noted that the Mental Health Trust’s Green Champion had met with the Director for the Urban Environment in order to discuss how the organisation could address environmental issues as an organisation and it was suggested that other partners may also wish to do this.


The Board discussed cross cutting issues and how these should be addressed by the partnership. Measures such as developing recycling and reducing waste were also likely to impact on reducing crime in the Borough’s parks and green spaces. There was agreement that reference to adopting a more cross cutting approach should be made within the document. Issues such as Designing out Crime and the Safer Transport Programme were highlighted as initiatives where a cross cutting approach had been successfully adopted.


It was suggested that reference should be made to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act and the Council’s responsibility to ensure that this was considered.




To note the presentation.